DiscordStyles / SoftX

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Dissapearing settings and channels tab in discord #47

Closed iamtermuxer closed 2 years ago

iamtermuxer commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug
Disappearing settings and such things

To Reproduce
Watch a stream in fullscreen and then go to normal state


Infomation (please complete the following information):
Discord channel: ((Stable/PTB/Canary))
OS: Windows 11 64 bit Mod: BetterDiscord Discord language: English

Additional context
((Add any other context about the problem here. Remove if not applicable.))


iamtermuxer commented 2 years ago

Dont know what Discord channel means

Gibbu commented 2 years ago

This is due to Discord hiding them if the channels list is patched by a plugin. In this case it's SpotifyControls.

There is nothing I can do about this, else it would've been fixed a long time ago. As said in #14.