Discordanian / mmatch

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Zip codes not displayed when maintaining organization #177

Open quequegg opened 5 years ago

quequegg commented 5 years ago

When you add a zip code it disappears. We had this issue before, old bug resurfaced? (Amending my very unprofessional description) Works on this Macintosh Laptop MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 Does not work on my iPad version 11.4.1 I have not tried it on my phone....

The zip codes do not display upon first entering the page and when you add a zip code it seems to just disappear. I do not believe it saves the data.

alandgri commented 5 years ago

Can you post more specific steps to reproduce? What environment are you in? Who are you logged in as? Which organization are you editing? What are you typing, mousing, etc.?