DiscoverMeteor / DiscoverMeteor_En

The English version of Discover Meteor
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Wrong passage in chapter 8 #2

Open Crenshinibon opened 10 years ago

Crenshinibon commented 10 years ago

.... } });

<%= caption "client/views/posts/post_edit.js" %>

By now most of that code should be familiar to you. First, we have our template helper > that fetches the current post and passes it on to the template. 

We then have two template event callbacks: one for the form's `submit` event, and one > for the delete link's `click` event. 

I guess the first paragraph is wrong. Since the code snippet above has no template helper that does what is stated.

The router configuration at the top does the "routing". Maybe this is a reminiscent of the pre ironrouter version. The following paragraph should be rewritten as well.