DiscoverMeteor / DiscoverMeteor_It

La versione italiana del libro Discover Meteor
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Conventions #1

Open andreavaghi opened 10 years ago

andreavaghi commented 10 years ago

I've started translating the vocabulary chapter, and i think that the technical terminology can stay in English as long as we add an explanation for that.

I've never read much of translated books about programming but i think that words like 'pacchetto' o 'aiutanti' could be misleading. In some cases, like 'sessione' i think we can use the translated word

what do you think? any suggestions?

ps: forse è meglio parlare in italiano qui? :)

splendido commented 10 years ago

Ciao Andrea,

I agree with you. Perhaps, as already suggested within the 'Translation Guidelines', we can add to the also these 'special' words to be kept in English.

At the same time I think it's better to keep writing in English so that also non-Italian people (like Sacha and Tom) can read and understand. Perhaps both of them in some cases?

Btw, nice to see I'm not the only Italian around here ;-)

splendido commented 10 years ago

I've added the file. Please comment on it...