DiscoverMeteor / DiscoverMeteor_It

La versione italiana del libro Discover Meteor
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Ciao ragazzi! Hi guys! #61

Closed alearcy closed 9 years ago

alearcy commented 9 years ago

Ciao a tutti, con questa issue volevo chiedere di poter contribuire alla traduzione in italiano di Discover Meteor! Grazie

@SachaG Hi guys, with this issue I would like to collaborate to Discover Meteor Italian translation. Thanks!


brugnara commented 9 years ago

@alearcy per contribuire, forka il progetto e crea delle pull requests. Ciao!

alearcy commented 9 years ago

ok grazie @brugnara

splendido commented 9 years ago

the best way is to have him among the team members so he can push changes by himself... This is how we did it so far for (almos) every contributors.

I could also add him myself, but I guess having the official approval from @SachaG is a better flow.


splendido commented 9 years ago

I guess @SachaG is hyper busy with the main repo at the moment... I've added @alearcy to the team myself.

Saluti a tutti!

alearcy commented 9 years ago

Thank you guys!