DiscoverMeteor / DiscoverMeteor_Pl

The Polish version of Discover Meteor
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Conventions #2

Open sihingkk opened 10 years ago

sihingkk commented 10 years ago

Hey, let's create some convention in the wiki. For example about declination foreign words in Polish. for instance:

"używane w nowy sposob w kontekście Meteor'a."

whenever you choose some what is not obvious - let put it's on this wiki page to make other translator's life easier.

plokin commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm finishing reading the book and would like to post some corrections to the Polish translation. One of the things I've noticed is that this particular convention you've chosen is actually incorrect - in Polish the rules are fairly clear and in case of Meteor the apostrophe shouldn't be used (; or in general when the last character is pronounced you should not use the apostrophe). I'd like to fix this as well, but please confirm (@sihingkk ?) that you're fine with it, so I don't put my effort in vain.

PSzu commented 9 years ago

Jak dla mnie ok. Z autopsji wiem, ze potrzebne jest kilka iteracji tlumaczen i kilka osob, ktore przeczytaja tekst, wiec poprawiaj co sie da. Wiele zdan wymaga poprawy szyku wyrazow jak i tlumaczen zwrotow.

pozdrawiam, Przemek

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Michał Wszołek wrote:

Hi, I'm finishing reading the book and would like to post some corrections to the Polish translation. One of the things I've noticed is that this particular convention you've chosen is actually incorrect - in Polish the rules are fairly clear and in case of Meteor the apostrophe shouldn't be used (; or in general when the last character is pronounced you should not use the apostrophe). I'd like to fix this as well, but please confirm (@sihingkk you're fine with it, so I don't put my effort in vain.

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