Closed dd84ai closed 3 years ago
btw, tested in game that everything works fine: chasepull admin is not able to do aicreate and aiecreate admin is not able to chasepull and both can't beam
Do not merge, I have a problem
Solved everything
Performed tests:
1) setadmin Player cloak,chasepull, it can cloak, it can chase, but can't setcash and can't beam Erie and can't basecreate 2) setadmin Player aicontrol,beamkill it can't cloak, it can aicreate, it can't setcash, it can beam 3) setadmin Player bases,beamkill it can basecreate, it can beamkill, it can't cloak, it can't setcash, it can't use .generateid 4) setadmin Player superadmin it can use generated, it can cloak, it can chasepull, it can basecreate, it can pvecontroller status 5) setadmin Player plugins,beamkill it can pvecontroller status, it can't cloak, it can beam
All tests have been passed
feat(set_admin): adds four new subgroups to set admin command
setadmin PlayerName chasepull, which allows
setadmin PlayerName aicontrol, which allows
setadmin PlayerName cloak, which allows
setadmin PlayerName bases, which allows
Additionally: locked commands in pvecontroller to be under setadmin PlayerName plugins
and some weird commands from player_restrictions made sure to hide(or rehide) under superadmin rights