DiscoveryGC / FLHook

FLHook for Discovery Freelancer
28 stars 33 forks source link

POB Rework pt. 1 #162

Closed Zentor88 closed 2 years ago

Zentor88 commented 2 years ago

These changes and additions are aimed at making player bases more useful as economic vehicles, and to be a foundation for later evolution. Hoping to eventually add unique features for different faction types soon as well.

Feature: Added Buy/Sell Functionality Feature long needed imo. Added sellprice variable to handle the logic and updated the transaction code to accomplish. Freelancer only supports one value displayed in dealer menu's however, so some additional changes were made:

Feature: Added /price [buy][sell] Available to all visitors of the base, the /price buy changes the prices displayed in the menu to what the base is buying from players for, /price sell changes it to what the base is selling for. There is conditions in place not reveal all items listed in the /shop menu via the /price command also. Also changed dealer view log to display what the base buys the item for if the item you have is out of stock on the base, otherwise by default, prices shown are what the base sells the item for.

Feature: Added Ore Reinery This comes with a separate /refmod menu for separating refineries from the /facmod contents. Currently configured to handle 9 ores, which all already have ingame "refined" version commodities they produce (aluminium, beryllium, gold, iridium, molybdenum, niobium, platinum, hydrocarbons, diamonds). I can share the recipe config files somewhere else. Also, thinking we can create a separate config for refinery recipes later to keep the files somewhat readable.

Feature: Added tax function I wrote this in actually before I figured out the buy/sell as sort of an alternative option, configurable via command by owners/managers. I've disabled this currently, partially to see if it still has usefulness after buy/sell is introduced. Might be more useful down the line to enable gvmt's/sovereign powers from requiring taxes from transactions of bases. Simple percentage of sales that gets deposited into the base's bank.

Feature: Added Recycler module This one converts oxygen or water into more of the same thing (currently at a rate of 3k -> 5k), its a very slow rate of consumption (like 17 hours currently) and only available on Core 3+ bases. The motivation for this is to still require player input for this upkeep, add some realism, and allow more time to do more business oriented gameplay rather than hauling thousands of units of air to your base every week. Since it still requires players to run the command, bases that are abandoned, will still decay just fine. Recipe is also fairly expensive (will share when I figure out where to put it).

Updated /base help menus to explain new features