DiscreteTom / retsac

Text lexer and parser. Compiler frontend framework.
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Complex conflicts handling if we need to peek more than 1 token. #24

Open DiscreteTom opened 1 year ago

DiscreteTom commented 1 year ago

E.g. when we parsing javascript:

f(({a, b}) => a + b);

with the following grammar rules:

exp := '(' '{' identifier (',' identifier)* '}' ')' '=>' exp
exp := '(' exp ')'
exp := object
object := '{' (object_entry (',' object_entry)*)? '}'
object_entry := identifier (':' exp)?

when we digest f(({ a we don't know whether the a is an object entry or an arrow function param. We have to peek maybe many tokens to judge that.

Solution for this issue:

DiscreteTom commented 1 year ago

Maybe we can write an algorithm to check if a conflict can be safely resolved by re-parse.

For the above conflict, it can be safely resolved by re-parse without early accept.

DiscreteTom commented 9 months ago

Another idea: subset construction (子集构造法) to turn the NFA into DFA?