DiseaseOntology / HumanDiseaseOntology

Repository for the Human Disease Ontology.
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Review 'central nervous system tuberculosis' and add children #1221

Open allenbaron opened 12 months ago

allenbaron commented 12 months ago

'central nervous system tuberculosis' (DOID:1638) currently has xrefs to:

These should probably be replaced with:

Potential children

  1. A new child of DOID:1638 may be needed that corresponds with the current xrefs on that disease named 'intracranial tuberculoma' (based on MeSH)??
  2. MeSH also has 'meningeal tuberculoma' (MESH:D014390)
  3. Also consider adding 'spinal tuberculosis' as a child of DOID:1638.
allenbaron commented 12 months ago

It looks like 'spinal tuberculosis' is not considered a CNS tuberculosis but instead a bone/joint tuberculosis. This arrangement is supported by:

That could possibly make it a child of 'skeletal tuberculosis' (DOID:1639).

Another potentially useful reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3184481/

lschriml commented 4 months ago

When looking at ICD9, MeSH -- I look to see if the disease terms are words that were previously used in a publication, but are no longer in use, asking were the terms really representing different diseases. For this disease, I would add the additional xrefs mentioned above to 'CNS tuberculosis'

add spinal tuberculosis as a synonym for skeletal tuberculosis