DiseaseOntology / HumanDiseaseOntology

Repository for the Human Disease Ontology.
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More subtypes of thyroid cancer #1343

Open kkrysiak opened 2 weeks ago

kkrysiak commented 2 weeks ago

Currently there is only the umbrella term for thyroid cancer in DO.

There are a number of subtypes that are missing. At a minimum supporting papillary thyroid carcinoma and medullary thyroid carcinoma would be very helpful.

NCIt has a number of child terms just for papillary thyroid carcinoma: https://ncithesaurus.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/pages/concept_details.jsf?dictionary=NCI_Thesaurus&version=24.04e&code=C4035&ns=ncit&type=relationship&key=1440863471&b=1&n=0&vse=null

The 2022 WHO guidelines outline several as well and this review helps highlight them: https://erc.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/erc/30/2/ERC-22-0293.xml

This paper includes ICD-O terms as well: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9633223/

allenbaron commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your request Dr. Krysiak. We will work to add missing thyroid cancer subtypes.