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Review classification of palmoplantar keratosis and children #1354

Open allenbaron opened 3 days ago

allenbaron commented 3 days ago

Is your request related to a specific disease?

'palmoplantar keratosis' (DOID:3390) is more often referred to as 'palmoplantar keratoderma' (current synonym) or PPK.

Describe the proposed change(s)

Currently, the children of this disease are organized into the following subgroups: epidermolytic, nonepidermolytic, striata, punctate, and the singular mal de Meleda.

It seems that modern classification of PPKs is based primarily on the morphology of the keratoderma, including 3-4 types: diffuse, focal, striate or punctate (^1 and Table 1[^2]; an example of 3 groups in the Abstract[^3]).

Should we revise the DO classification to include "diffuse" and "focal" groups? This would primarily alter the arrangement of diseases under 'nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma' (DOID:0050428l; NEPPK).

Note that it appears some PPKs may be missing from DO, e.g. KRT1-related NEPPK, Huriez syndrome, Palmoplantar keratoderma Nagashima type, etc.

[^2]: Dev T, Mahajan VK, Sethuraman G. Hereditary Palmoplantar Keratoderma: A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2019 Jul-Aug;10(4):365-379. doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_367_18. PMID: 31334055; PMCID: PMC6615398. [^3]: Thomas BR, O'Toole EA. Diagnosis and Management of Inherited Palmoplantar Keratodermas. Acta Derm Venereol. 2020 Mar 25;100(7):adv00094. doi: 10.2340/00015555-3430. PMID: 32147745; PMCID: PMC9128927.

allenbaron commented 2 days ago

OMIM includes 3 groups for classification:

PPK has been classified into diffuse, focal, and punctate forms according to the pattern of hyperkeratosis on the palms and soles (Lucker et al., 1994).[^1]

[^1]: See Classification of Palmoplantar Keratoderma section of EPPK1, https://www.omim.org/entry/144200.

allenbaron commented 2 days ago

@lschriml & @sbello,, should we revise the DO classification to include "diffuse" and "focal" groups, and drop the ''nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma' (DOID:0050428l; NEPPK) grouping?

A few additional diseases to add:

allenbaron commented 2 days ago

We could keep the NEPPK grouping, under a "diffuse" grouping. It would only include the new 'KRT1-related NEPPK' and 'Bothnian type palmoplantar keratoderma'.

I think 'Naxos disease' should probably be reclassified since the skin phenotypes can be variable[^1].

[^1]: Description, https://omim.org/entry/601214.