DiseaseOntology / HumanDiseaseOntology

Repository for the Human Disease Ontology.
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MeSH Xrefs added by Wikidata users #435

Closed stuppie closed 6 years ago

stuppie commented 6 years ago

Hi Lynn, Below is a table of MeSH IDs that Wikidata users have added to disease items. This has not been curated except to remove 12 entries where the MeSH ID doesn't exist. I can help go through these.. ?

doid do_label do_def mesh mesh_label mesh_descr qid wd_label
0 DOID:0080171 esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula A gastrointestinal system disease that is characterized by abnormal development of the esophagus and trachea where the upper esophagus does not connect (atresia) to the lower esophagus and stomach and may also include tracheoesophageal fistula where the esophagus and the trachea are abnormally connected which allows fluids from the esophagus to get into the airways and interfere with breathing. D014138 Tracheoesophageal Fistula Abnormal passage between the ESOPHAGUS and the TRACHEA, acquired or congenital, often associated with ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA. Q7831319 tracheoesophageal fistula
1 DOID:2490 congenital nervous system abnormality D009421 Nervous System Malformations Structural abnormalities of the central or peripheral nervous system resulting primarily from defects of embryogenesis. Q584265 cephalic disorder
2 DOID:9383 iridocyclitis D015863 Iridocyclitis Acute or chronic inflammation of the iris and ciliary body characterized by exudates into the anterior chamber, discoloration of the iris, and constricted, sluggish pupil. Symptoms include radiating pain, photophobia, lacrimation, and interference with vision. Q145790 iridocyclitis
3 DOID:10273 heart conduction disease A cardiovascular system disease that involves the heart's electrical conduction system. D006327 Heart Block Impaired conduction of cardiac impulse that can occur anywhere along the conduction pathway, such as between the SINOATRIAL NODE and the right atrium (SA block) or between atria and ventricles (AV block). Heart blocks can be classified by the duration, frequency, or completeness of conduction block. Reversibility depends on the degree of structural or functional defects. Q2988775 heart conduction disease
5 DOID:0050562 West syndrome D013036 Spasms, Infantile An epileptic syndrome characterized by the triad of infantile spasms, hypsarrhythmia, and arrest of psychomotor development at seizure onset. The majority present between 3-12 months of age, with spasms consisting of combinations of brief flexor or extensor movements of the head, trunk, and limbs. The condition is divided into two forms: cryptogenic (idiopathic) and symptomatic (secondary to a known disease process such as intrauterine infections; nervous system abnormalities; BRAIN DISEASES, METABOLIC, INBORN; prematurity; perinatal asphyxia; TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; etc.). (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp744-8) Q1041258 West syndrome
6 DOID:0060062 familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy A kidney disease that is characterized by hyperuricemia with renal uric acid under-excretion, gout and chronic kidney disease. C537696 Juvenile gout [] Q18553626 familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy
7 DOID:12144 low compliance bladder D053201 Urinary Bladder, Overactive Symptom of overactive detrusor muscle of the URINARY BLADDER that contracts with abnormally high frequency and urgency. Overactive bladder is characterized by the frequent feeling of needing to urinate during the day, during the night, or both. URINARY INCONTINENCE may or may not be present. Q874632 low compliance bladder
8 DOID:0050168 autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 2 An autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome that is characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes auto-reactivity against endocrine organs. It is more heterogeneous and has not been linked to one gene. D016884 Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune Autoimmune diseases affecting multiple endocrine organs. Type I is characterized by childhood onset and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CANDIDIASIS, CHRONIC MUCOCUTANEOUS), while type II exhibits any combination of adrenal insufficiency (ADDISON'S DISEASE), lymphocytic thyroiditis (THYROIDITIS, AUTOIMMUNE;), HYPOPARATHYROIDISM; and gonadal failure. In both types organ-specific ANTIBODIES against a variety of ENDOCRINE GLANDS have been detected. The type II syndrome differs from type I in that it is associated with HLA-A1 and B8 haplotypes, onset is usually in adulthood, and candidiasis is not present. Q4117241 autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 2
9 DOID:0060330 Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome An autosomal dominant disease characterized by abnormal development of ectodermal tissues including the skin, hair, nails, teeth and sweat glands and anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with cleft lip/palate. C535289 Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome [] Q7294342 Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome
10 DOID:670 amphetamine abuse A substance abuse that involves the recurring use of amphetamines despite negative consequences. D019969 Amphetamine-Related Disorders Disorders related or resulting from use of amphetamines. Q18557338 amphetamine abuse
11 DOID:0080072 neuronal intestinal dysplasia C537394 Neuronal intestinal pseudoobstruction [] Q6057481 neuronal intestinal dysplasia
12 DOID:0050592 asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy C537571 Jeune syndrome [] Q4807981 Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia
13 DOID:12859 choreatic disease A movement disease characterized by brief, semi-directed, irregular movements that not repetitive or rhythmic, but appear to flow from one muscle to the next. D002819 Chorea Involuntary, forcible, rapid, jerky movements that may be subtle or become confluent, markedly altering normal patterns of movement. Hypotonia and pendular reflexes are often associated. Conditions which feature recurrent or persistent episodes of chorea as a primary manifestation of disease are referred to as CHOREATIC DISORDERS. Chorea is also a frequent manifestation of BASAL GANGLIA DISEASES. Q1076421 choreatic disease
14 DOID:0060429 chromosomal duplication syndrome D058674 Chromosome Duplication An aberration in which an extra chromosome or a chromosomal segment is made. Q21082526 chromosomal duplication syndrome
15 DOID:3443 mammary Paget's disease D010144 Paget's Disease, Mammary An intraductal in situ carcinoma of the breast, characterized clinically by eczema-like inflammatory skin changes and histologically by infiltration of the dermis by malignant cells (Paget's cells). Q1572384 mammary Paget's disease
16 DOID:0080110 multiple pterygium syndrome A genetic disease that is characterized by permanently bent fingers (camptodactyly), short stature, rocker-bottom or club feet, joints that are bent in a fixed position (contractures), union or webbing of the skin between the fingers (syndactyly), and/or webbing of the neck, inside bend of the elbows, back of the knees and armpits. C537377 Multiple pterygium syndrome [] Q16889762 multiple pterygium syndrome
17 DOID:1791 peritoneal carcinoma A carcinoma that is located_in the inside of the abdomen. D010534 Peritoneal Neoplasms Tumors or cancer of the PERITONEUM. Q1816041 peritoneal carcinoma
18 DOID:0050727 tyrosinemia type III A tyrosinemia that has_material_basis_in deficiency of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase disrupting the break down of tyrosine. D020176 Tyrosinemias A group of disorders which have in common elevations of tyrosine in the blood and urine secondary to an enzyme deficiency. Type I tyrosinemia features episodic weakness, self-mutilation, hepatic necrosis, renal tubular injury, and seizures and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetase. Type II tyrosinemia features INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, painful corneal ulcers, and keratoses of the palms and plantar surfaces and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme TYROSINE TRANSAMINASE. Type III tyrosinemia features INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme 4-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp42-3) Q7861692 tyrosinemia type III
19 DOID:0050868 hepatocellular adenoma D018248 Adenoma, Liver Cell A benign epithelial tumor of the LIVER. Q1172076 hepatocellular adenoma
20 DOID:0060704 lymphoproliferative syndrome A primary immunodeficiency disease characterized by immune dysregulation typically after viral infection, usually associated with Epstein-Barr viral infection. D008232 Lymphoproliferative Disorders Disorders characterized by proliferation of lymphoid tissue, general or unspecified. Q4165484 Lymphoproliferative disorders
21 DOID:1284 prolapse of female genital organ D056887 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Prolapse of vaginal apex post hysterectomy. Q166102 prolapse of female genital organ
22 DOID:0050604 acrocapitofemoral dysplasia C564334 Acrocapitofemoral Dysplasia [] Q18553334 acrocapitofemoral dysplasia
23 DOID:0060175 succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency A gamma-amino butyric acid metabolism disorder that is characterized by a deficiency of succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase resulting in elevated levels of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid. C535803 succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency [] Q2823333 succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency
24 DOID:0050628 advanced sleep phase syndrome A sleep disorder that involves an altered circadian rhythm resulting in falling asleep in early evening and awaking very early in the morning. D020178 Sleep Disorders, Circadian Rhythm Dyssomnias associated with disruption of the normal 24 hour sleep wake cycle secondary to travel (e.g., JET LAG SYNDROME), shift work, or other causes. Q1125121 advanced sleep phase syndrome
25 DOID:12568 dyscalculia A learning disability involving a math disability can cause such difficulties as learning math concepts (such as quantity, place value, and time), difficulty memorizing math facts, difficulty organizing numbers, and understanding how problems are organized on the page. D060705 Dyscalculia A disorder characterized by impaired ability to comprehend numerical representation and rules, recall numerical facts, and perform arithmetic and related operations due to innate neurological lesion in areas of the brain that are important in numerical processing. Q742672 dyscalculia
26 DOID:0080050 acromesomelic dysplasia, Maroteaux type An acromesomelic dysplasia that has_material_basis_in mutation in NPR-B receptor which results_in severe dwarfism, abnormalities of the located_in vertebral column and shortening of middle and distal segments in the located_in limb. C535661 Acromesomelic dysplasia, Maroteaux type [] Q18553753 acromesomelic dysplasia, Maroteaux type
27 DOID:0060496 respiratory allergy A hypersensitivity reaction type I disease located in the respiratory tract. D012130 Respiratory Hypersensitivity A form of hypersensitivity affecting the respiratory tract. It includes ASTHMA and RHINITIS, ALLERGIC, SEASONAL. Q23037744 respiratory allergy
28 DOID:0060165 Kleine-Levin syndrome A recurrent hypersomnia that is characterized by recurring periods of excessive amounts of sleep and altered behavior. D017593 Kleine-Levin Syndrome A rare condition characterized by recurrent hypersomnias associated with hyperphagia, occurring primarily in males in the second to third decade of life. Clinical features include mental confusion, excessive sleep requirements (approximately 18 hours per day), restlessness, and in some cases hallucinations. Episodes have a duration of days to weeks, and may recur several times per year. This condition may resolve spontaneously over several years. (From Adams, et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p569) Q613809 Kleine-Levin syndrome
30 DOID:0080198 infantile histiocytoid cardiomyopathy An intrinsic cardiomyopathy characterized by the presence of characteristic pale granular foamy histiocyte-like cells within the myocardium and has_material_basis_in a mutation in the gene encoding mitochondrial cytochrome b. C535584 Cardiomyopathy, infantile histiocytoid [] Q41516644 infantile histiocytoid cardiomyopathy
31 DOID:7880 luteoma D018311 Luteoma An ovarian neoplasm composed of LUTEAL CELLS derived from luteinized GRANULOSA CELLS and THECA CELLS. Luteomas respond to GONADOTROPINS, and vary in their hormone production (PROGESTERONE; ESTROGENS; or ANDROGENS). During PREGNANCY, a transient type of luteoma may develop due to an exaggerated LUTEINIZATION of the OVARY. Q3840916 luteoma
32 DOID:0060060 non-Hodgkin lymphoma A lymphoma that is characterized as any kind of lymphoma except Hodgkin's lymphoma. D008228 Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin Any of a group of malignant tumors of lymphoid tissue that differ from HODGKIN DISEASE, being more heterogeneous with respect to malignant cell lineage, clinical course, prognosis, and therapy. The only common feature among these tumors is the absence of giant REED-STERNBERG CELLS, a characteristic of Hodgkin's disease. Q1138590 non-Hodgkin lymphoma
33 DOID:9973 substance dependence A substance-related disorder that involves the continued use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of the substance. D019966 Substance-Related Disorders Disorders related to substance abuse. Q182413 substance dependence
35 DOID:0050760 X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy C536522 Vacuolar myopathy [] Q3456637 X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy
36 DOID:13477 balanitis xerotica obliterans D052798 Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans An atrophic and sclerotic condition of the head of the PENIS, glans penis. Sometimes it leads to stenosis and occasionally obliteration of the external meatal orifice. Q4850044 balanitis xerotica obliterans
37 DOID:0060602 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency A peroxisomal disease that has_material_basis in homozygous mutation in the AMACR gene on chromosome 5p13.2-q11.1. It is characterized by retinitis pigmentosa resulting in progressive visual failure, learning difficulties, a peripheral neuropathy, and hypogonadism. C535444 Bile acid synthesis defect, congenital, 4 [] Q27164415 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency
38 DOID:0090105 autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia A familial hypercholesterolemia characterized by autosomal inheritance that has material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the LDLRAP1 gene on chromosome 1p36. C566331 Hypercholesterolemia, Autosomal Recessive [] Q30988959 autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia
39 DOID:495 sclerosing hemangioma D018219 Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous A slowly growing benign skin nodule consisting of poorly demarcated cellular fibrous tissue enclosing collapsed CAPILLARIES with scattered HEMOSIDERIN-pigmented and lipid MACROPHAGES. They are common, usually about 1 cm in diameter and occur in the DERMIS. (From Stedman, 25th ed; DeVita Jr et al., Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 3d ed, p1356) Q1200237 sclerosing hemangioma
40 DOID:0050730 coenzyme Q10 deficiency disease A mitochondrial metabolism disease that is characterized by a deficiency of CoQ10 resulting from reduced biosynthesis. C564403 Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency [] Q5140809 coenzyme Q10 deficiency disease
41 DOID:0060388 chromosomal deletion syndrome D002872 Chromosome Deletion Actual loss of portion of a chromosome. Q16918398 chromosomal deletion syndrome
42 DOID:0060068 marantic endocarditis An endocarditis that results from the deposition of small sterile vegetations on valve leaflets. D059905 Endocarditis, Non-Infective Formation of a non-infectious THROMBUS, referred to as vegetation, on previously undamaged ENDOCARDIUM. It usually occurs as a complication of connective-tissue diseases and cancers because of the associated hypercoagulable state (see THROMBOPHILIA). Q73518 marantic endocarditis
43 DOID:0060140 cortical deafness An agnosia that is a loss of the ability to perceive any auditory information but whose hearing is intact. D006313 Hearing Loss, Central Hearing loss due to disease of the AUDITORY PATHWAYS (in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) which originate in the COCHLEAR NUCLEI of the PONS and then ascend bilaterally to the MIDBRAIN, the THALAMUS, and then the AUDITORY CORTEX in the TEMPORAL LOBE. Bilateral lesions of the auditory pathways are usually required to cause central hearing loss. Cortical deafness refers to loss of hearing due to bilateral auditory cortex lesions. Unilateral BRAIN STEM lesions involving the cochlear nuclei may result in unilateral hearing loss. Q5173263 cortical deafness
44 DOID:0090139 cortisone reductase deficiency An endocrine system disease characterized by failure to regenerate the active glucocorticoid cortisol from cortisone resulting in adrenal hyperandrogenism. C536447 Cortisone reductase deficiency [] Q30988911 cortisone reductase deficiency
45 DOID:6590 spondylitis D013166 Spondylitis Inflammation of the SPINE. This includes both arthritic and non-arthritic conditions. Q2165411 spondylitis
46 DOID:0060071 pre-malignant neoplasm A disease of cellular proliferation that results in abnormal growths in the body, which do not invade or destroy the surrounding tissue but, given enough time, will transform into a cancer. D011230 Precancerous Conditions Pathological processes that tend eventually to become malignant. (From Dorland, 27th ed) Q1088163 pre-malignant neoplasm
47 DOID:6543 acne A sebaceous gland disease characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin, and possibly scarring. D000152 Acne Vulgaris A chronic disorder of the pilosebaceous apparatus associated with an increase in sebum secretion. It is characterized by open comedones (blackheads), closed comedones (whiteheads), and pustular nodules. The cause is unknown, but heredity and age are predisposing factors. Q79928 acne
48 DOID:0060007 CD3zeta deficiency A severe combined immunodeficiency that affects the development and function of T cells. C565712 Immunodeficiency due to Defect in CD3-Zeta [] Q18553588 CD3zeta deficiency
49 DOID:1510 personality disorder A disease of mental health that involve long-term patterns of thoughts and behaviors that cause serious problems with relationships and work. D010554 Personality Disorders A major deviation from normal patterns of behavior. Q270673 personality disorder
50 DOID:0050891 adrenal cortical adenoma An adrenal adenoma that is a benign tumor of the adrenal cortex. D018246 Adrenocortical Adenoma An ADENOMA of the ZONA GLOMERULOSA that produces ALDOSTERONE and HYPERALDOSTERONISM. Q4684749 adrenal cortical adenoma
51 DOID:0080047 pseudoachondroplasia An osteochondrodysplasia that has_material_basis_in mutations in the COMP gene which results_in short limb dwarfism. C535819 Pseudoachondroplasia [] Q693578 pseudoachondroplasia
52 DOID:18 urinary system disease A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. D014570 Urologic Diseases Pathological processes of the URINARY TRACT in both males and females. Q7900883 urinary system disease
53 DOID:2800 acute interstitial pneumonia A idiopathic interstitial pneumonia which develops suddenly and is severe. Initially, the lung shows edema, hyaline membranes, and interstitial acute inflammation. Later,it develops loose organizing fibrosis, mostly within alveolar septa and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia. Fever, cough, and difficulty breathing develop over 1 to 2 weeks, typically progressing to acute respiratory failure. D011658 Pulmonary Fibrosis A process in which normal lung tissues are progressively replaced by FIBROBLASTS and COLLAGEN causing an irreversible loss of the ability to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream via PULMONARY ALVEOLI. Patients show progressive DYSPNEA finally resulting in death. Q424258 Acute interstitial pneumonitis
54 DOID:0060342 acromelic frontonasal dysostosis A dysostosis characterized by cranium bifidum, severe hypertelorism, median cleft lip and palate, nasal bifurcation, brachycephaly, large fontanelle, tibial hemimelia, preaxial polydactyly of the feet and brain malformations. C535657 Acromelic frontonasal dysplasia [] Q21124508 acromelic frontonasal dysostosis
55 DOID:0060342 acromelic frontonasal dysostosis A dysostosis characterized by cranium bifidum, severe hypertelorism, median cleft lip and palate, nasal bifurcation, brachycephaly, large fontanelle, tibial hemimelia, preaxial polydactyly of the feet and brain malformations. C566345 Acromelic Frontonasal Dysostosis [] Q21124508 acromelic frontonasal dysostosis
56 DOID:0050689 brachydactyly-syndactyly syndrome C565193 Brachydactyly-Syndactyly Syndrome [] Q18553404 brachydactyly-syndactyly syndrome
57 DOID:0060000 infective endocarditis An endocarditis that is characterized by inflammation of the endocardium caused by infectious agents. D004697 Endocarditis, Bacterial Inflammation of the ENDOCARDIUM caused by BACTERIA that entered the bloodstream. The strains of bacteria vary with predisposing factors, such as CONGENITAL HEART DEFECTS; HEART VALVE DISEASES; HEART VALVE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTATION; or intravenous drug use. Q2450598 infective endocarditis
58 DOID:8791 breast carcinoma in situ D000071960 Breast Carcinoma In Situ A condition in which abnormal cells have not spread outside the duct, lobule, or nipple to other tissues of the breast. There are 3 types of breast carcinoma in situ: DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU; LOBULAR CARCINOMA IN SITU; and PAGET DISEASE OF THE NIPPLE Q18558015 breast carcinoma in situ
59 DOID:0050657 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome D006223 Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple A hereditary disease characterized by multiple ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal nevoid and neoplastic anomalies. Facial trichilemmomas and papillomatous papules of the oral mucosa are the most characteristic lesions. Individuals with this syndrome have a high risk of BREAST CANCER; THYROID CANCER; and ENDOMETRIAL CANCER. This syndrome is associated with mutations in the gene for PTEN PHOSPHATASE. Q474254 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome
60 DOID:0050757 deafness dystonia syndrome A mitochondrial metabolism disease that is characterized by hearing loss that begins early in life, problems with movement, impaired vision, and behavior problems. C535808 Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome [] Q3508677 deafness dystonia syndrome
61 DOID:0050725 tyrosinemia type II A tyrosinemia that has_material_basis_in deficiency of hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase located_in the liver and is characterized by keratitis, painful palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, mental retardation, and elevated serum tyrosine levels. D020176 Tyrosinemias A group of disorders which have in common elevations of tyrosine in the blood and urine secondary to an enzyme deficiency. Type I tyrosinemia features episodic weakness, self-mutilation, hepatic necrosis, renal tubular injury, and seizures and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetase. Type II tyrosinemia features INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, painful corneal ulcers, and keratoses of the palms and plantar surfaces and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme TYROSINE TRANSAMINASE. Type III tyrosinemia features INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme 4-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp42-3) Q7484623 tyrosinemia type II
62 DOID:0050575 D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria An 2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria that involves developmental delay, seizures, weak muscle tone (hypotonia), and abnormalities in the largest part of the brain (the cerebrum), which controls many important functions such as muscle movement, speech, vision, thinking, emotion, and memory. C535306 2-Hydroxyglutaricaciduria [] Q18553318 D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria
63 DOID:0060177 homocarnosinosis A gamma-amino butyric acid metabolism disorder that is characterized by an excess of homocarnosine in the brain and has_material_basis_in a deficiency of serum carnosinase in its ability to hydrolyze homocarnosine. C535328 Homocarnosinosis [] Q18553707 homocarnosinosis
64 DOID:540 strabismus D013285 Strabismus Misalignment of the visual axes of the eyes. In comitant strabismus the degree of ocular misalignment does not vary with the direction of gaze. In noncomitant strabismus the degree of misalignment varies depending on direction of gaze or which eye is fixating on the target. (Miller, Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 4th ed, p641) Q179951 strabismus
65 DOID:0060775 microvillus inclusion disease A congenital diarrhea characterized by onset of intractable life-threatening watery diarrhea during infancy, lack of microvilli on the surface of enterocytes and occurrence of intracellular vacuolar structures containing microvilli that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the MYO5B gene on chromosome 18q21. C537470 Microvillus inclusion disease [] Q4293116 microvillus inclusion disease
67 DOID:11504 autonomic neuropathy D001342 Autonomic Nervous System Diseases Diseases of the parasympathetic or sympathetic divisions of the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM; which has components located in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM and PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Autonomic dysfunction may be associated with HYPOTHALAMIC DISEASES; BRAIN STEM disorders; SPINAL CORD DISEASES; and PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES. Manifestations include impairments of vegetative functions including the maintenance of BLOOD PRESSURE; HEART RATE; pupil function; SWEATING; REPRODUCTIVE AND URINARY PHYSIOLOGY; and DIGESTION. Q18554095 autonomic neuropathy
68 DOID:0110422 autosomal recessive pericentral pigmentary retinopathy A retinitis pigmentosa that is characterized autosomal recessive inheritance of pigmentary retinal degeneration with onset in the infancy but slower rates of progression than other forms of retinopathy. C564838 Retinopathy, Pericentral Pigmentary, Autosomal Recessive [] Q27677820 autosomal recessive pericentral pigmentary retinopathy
69 DOID:0110632 megaconial type congenital muscular dystrophy A congenital muscular dystrophy characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance of early-onset muscle wasting and intellectual disability with enlarged mitochondria that are more prevalent towards the periphery of the fibers that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the CHKB gene on chromosome 22q13. C566527 Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital, Megaconial Type [] Q32139615 megaconial type congenital muscular dystrophy
70 DOID:0050695 malignant pleural solitary fibrous tumor D054364 Solitary Fibrous Tumors Rare neoplasms of mesenchymal origin, usually benign, and most commonly involving the PLEURA (see SOLITARY FIBROUS TUMOR, PLEURAL). They also are found in extrapleural sites. Q7558248 malignant pleural solitary fibrous tumor
71 DOID:1432 blindness D001766 Blindness The inability to see or the loss or absence of perception of visual stimuli. This condition may be the result of EYE DISEASES; OPTIC NERVE DISEASES; OPTIC CHIASM diseases; or BRAIN DISEASES affecting the VISUAL PATHWAYS or OCCIPITAL LOBE. Q10874 blindness
72 DOID:0050799 guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency C537622 Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency [] Q5613758 guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency
73 DOID:0080032 craniodiaphyseal dysplasia An osteosclerosis that results_in increased calcium concentration located_in skull which decreases the size of cranium foramina and cervical spinal canal. C562940 Craniodiaphyseal Dysplasia [] Q5182138 craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
74 DOID:0050640 anauxetic dysplasia 1 A spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia that is characterized by the prenatal onset of extreme short stature, an adult height of less than 85 cm, hypodontia, and mild mental retardation. C538256 Anauxetic dysplasia [] Q18553372 anauxetic dysplasia
75 DOID:0060903 thrombosis A vascular disease caused by the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system. D013927 Thrombosis Formation and development of a thrombus or blood clot in the blood vessel. Q261327 thrombosis
76 DOID:1398 parasitic infectious disease A disease by infectious agent that is carried out by a parasite which by definition is a pathogen that simultaneously injures and derives sustenance from its host. D010272 Parasitic Diseases Infections or infestations with PARASITES. They are often contracted through contact with an intermediate vector, but may occur as the result of direct exposure. Q1601794 parasitic infectious diseases
77 DOID:0060469 Miller-Dieker lissencephaly syndrome A syndrome characterized by classical lissencephaly and distinct facial features. Visible and submicroscopic deletions of 17p13.3, including the LIS1 gene, are found in almost 100% of patients. D054221 Classical Lissencephalies and Subcortical Band Heterotopias Disorders comprising a spectrum of brain malformations representing the paradigm of a diffuse neuronal migration disorder. They result in cognitive impairment; SEIZURES; and HYPOTONIA or spasticity. Mutations of two genes, LIS1, the gene for the non-catalytic subunit of PLATELET-ACTIVATING FACTOR ACETYLHYDROLASE IB; and DCX or XLIS, the gene for doublecortin, have been identified as the most common causes of disorders in this spectrum. Additional variants of classical (Type I) lissencephaly have been linked to RELN, the gene for reelin, and ARX, the gene for aristaless related homeobox protein. (From Leventer, R.J., et al, Mol Med Today. 2000 Jul;6(7):277-84 and Barkovich, A.J., et al, Neurology. 2005 Dec 27;65(12):1873-87.) Q2200977 Miller–Dieker lissencephaly syndrome
78 DOID:0050831 familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies A neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by intraneuronal inclusions of mutant neuroserpin resulting in progressive encephalopathy, dementia and seizures and has_material_basis_in a mutation in the SERPINI1 gene inherited in an in autosomal dominant pattern. C536841 Familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies [] Q5432935 familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies
79 DOID:0080073 spina bifida occulta D016136 Spina Bifida Occulta A common congenital midline defect of fusion of the vertebral arch without protrusion of the spinal cord or meninges. The lesion is also covered by skin. L5 and S1 are the most common vertebrae involved. The condition may be associated with an overlying area of hyperpigmented skin, a dermal sinus, or an abnormal patch of hair. The majority of individuals with this malformation are asymptomatic although there is an increased incidence of tethered cord syndrome and lumbar SPONDYLOSIS. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1992, Ch55, p34) Q21505502 spina bifida occulta
80 DOID:0110335 osteogenesis imperfecta with opalescent teeth, blue sclerae and wormian bones but without fractures An osteogenesis imperfecta found in a single South African family. C563487 Osteogenesis Imperfecta with Opalescent Teeth, Blue Sclerae and Wormian Bones, but Without Fractures [] Q27674940 osteogenesis imperfecta with opalescent teeth, blue sclerae and wormian bones but without fractures
81 DOID:1234 gender identity disorder A disease of mental health that involves a conflict between a person's actual physical gender and the gender that person identifies himself or herself as. D000068116 Gender Dysphoria A marked difference between the individual's expressed/experienced gender and the gender others would assign him or her, and it must continue for at least six months. (from DSM-5) Q1049021 gender identity disorder
82 DOID:0060044 paraphilia disorder D010262 Paraphilic Disorders Disorders that include recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors generally involving nonhuman objects, suffering of oneself or partners, or children or other nonconsenting partners. (from DSM-V) Q178059 paraphilia disorder
83 DOID:0060135 apraxia An agnosia that is a loss of the ability to map out physical actions in order to repeat them in functional activities. D001072 Apraxias A group of cognitive disorders characterized by the inability to perform previously learned skills that cannot be attributed to deficits of motor or sensory function. The two major subtypes of this condition are ideomotor (see APRAXIA, IDEOMOTOR) and ideational apraxia, which refers to loss of the ability to mentally formulate the processes involved with performing an action. For example, dressing apraxia may result from an inability to mentally formulate the act of placing clothes on the body. Apraxias are generally associated with lesions of the dominant PARIETAL LOBE and supramarginal gyrus. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp56-7) Q498916 apraxia
84 DOID:0050655 Bamforth-Lazarus syndrome C537901 Bamforth syndrome [] Q4853488 Bamforth-Lazarus syndrome
85 DOID:0060221 Maffucci syndrome A syndrome characterized by the presence of multiple enchondromas (benign growths of cartilage) associated with multiple hemangiomas. D004687 Enchondromatosis Benign growths of cartilage in the metaphyses of several bones. Q1419261 Maffucci syndrome
86 DOID:0090004 progressive pseudorheumatoid arthropathy of childhood A osteochondrodysplasia characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance with typical onset around 3 years of age, progressive severe degenerative joint disease, platyspondyly, epiphyseal enlargement but absence of inflammatory joint disease that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the CHST3 gene on chromosome 10q22. C535387 Arthropathy, progressive pseudorheumatoid, of childhood [] Q22965553 progressive pseudorheumatoid arthropathy of childhood
87 DOID:8283 peritonitis A gastrointestinal system disease that involves inflammation of the peritoneum resulting from perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, which produces immediate chemical inflammation followed shortly by infection from intestinal organisms. Peritonitis can also result from appendicitis, diverticulitis, strangulating intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, mesenteric ischemia, intraperitoneal blood, barium, or peritoneo-systemic shunts, drains, and dialysis catheters in the peritoneal cavity. The symptoms include abdominal pain and tenderness, fever, fluid in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and low urine output. D010538 Peritonitis INFLAMMATION of the PERITONEUM lining the ABDOMINAL CAVITY as the result of infectious, autoimmune, or chemical processes. Primary peritonitis is due to infection of the PERITONEAL CAVITY via hematogenous or lymphatic spread and without intra-abdominal source. Secondary peritonitis arises from the ABDOMINAL CAVITY itself through RUPTURE or ABSCESS of intra-abdominal organs. Q223102 peritonitis
88 DOID:1875 impotence D007172 Erectile Dysfunction The inability in the male to have a PENILE ERECTION due to psychological or organ dysfunction. Q184674 impotence
89 DOID:0060173 Timothy syndrome An autosomal dominant disease that is characterized by cardiac, hand/foot, facial, and neurodevelopmental features. The two forms are type 1 (classic) and type 2, a rare form that has_material_basis_in mutations in a transcript variant of CACNA1C on chromosome 12p13.33. C536962 Timothy syndrome [] Q3508705 Timothy syndrome
90 DOID:0090103 Huntington disease-like 1 A prion disease characterized by a phenocopy of Huntington disease (unwanted choreatic movements, behavioral and psychiatric disturbances and dementia) that has material_basis_in the presence of 8 extra octapeptide repeats in the PRNP gene on chromosome 20p13. C566398 Huntington Disease-Like 1 [] Q30989628 Huntington disease-like 1
91 DOID:0090116 spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome A bone development disease characterized by postnatal progressive vertebral fusions frequently manifesting as block vertebrae, contributing to an undersized trunk and a disproportionate short stature, scoliosis, lordosis, carpal and tarsal synostosis, with club feet and a mild facial dysmorphism that has_material_basis_in mutation in the FLNB gene on chromosome 3p14.3. C535780 Spondylocarpotarsal synostosis [] Q20828711 spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome
92 DOID:13781 hypermobility syndrome D007593 Joint Instability Lack of stability of a joint or joint prosthesis. Q1641042 hypermobility syndrome
93 DOID:9335 scotoma D012607 Scotoma A localized defect in the visual field bordered by an area of normal vision. This occurs with a variety of EYE DISEASES (e.g., RETINAL DISEASES and GLAUCOMA); OPTIC NERVE DISEASES, and other conditions. Q950591 scotoma
94 DOID:0060010 Omenn syndrome A severe combined immunodeficiency that has_material_basis in the RAG1 and RAG2 genes on chromosome 11p and the Artemis gene on chromosome 10p. It is characterized by erythroderma, desquamation, alopecia, chronic diarrhea, failure to thrive, lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. D016511 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Group of rare congenital disorders characterized by impairment of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, leukopenia, and low or absent antibody levels. It is inherited as an X-linked or autosomal recessive defect. Mutations occurring in many different genes cause human Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID). Q2214419 Omenn syndrome
95 DOID:0050765 neuroacanthocytosis D054546 Neuroacanthocytosis An inherited autosomal disorder that is characterized by neurodegeneration; orofacial and buccal DYSKINESIAS; CHOREA; and thorny-looking red cells (ACANTHOCYTES). This disorder is due to mutations of chorein which is important in protein trafficking and is encoded by Vps13a on chromosome 9q21. Q746781 neuroacanthocytosis
96 DOID:6906 glomangiomatosis C536827 Glomus vagale tumors [] Q18557402 glomangiomatosis
97 DOID:0050585 congenital generalized lipodystrophy D052497 Lipodystrophy, Congenital Generalized It is caused by mutation of gene encoding seipin (BSCL2). Q3242224 congenital generalized lipodystrophy
98 DOID:0060713 autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis 4B An autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis characterized by severe neonatal ichthyosis with bilateral ectropion and eclabium, flattened and rudimentary nose and ears, constricting bands around the extremities and frequently lethality during infancy that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the ABCA12 gene on chromosome 2q35. D017490 Ichthyosis, Lamellar A chronic, congenital ichthyosis inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Infants are usually born encased in a collodion membrane which sheds within a few weeks. Scaling is generalized and marked with grayish-brown quadrilateral scales, adherent at their centers and free at the edges. In some cases, scales are so thick that they resemble armored plate. Q266421 autosomal recessive congenital
99 DOID:11294 arteriovenous malformation An anomalous configuration of blood vessels that shunts arterial blood directly into veins by bypassing the capillary system. D001165 Arteriovenous Malformations Abnormal formation of blood vessels that shunt arterial blood directly into veins without passing through the CAPILLARIES. They usually are crooked, dilated, and with thick vessel walls. A common type is the congenital arteriovenous fistula. The lack of blood flow and oxygen in the capillaries can lead to tissue damage in the affected areas. Q1584110 arteriovenous malformation
100 DOID:0060564 spinal disease D013122 Spinal Diseases Diseases involving the SPINE. Q7577457 spinal disease
101 DOID:0060551 poikiloderma with neutropenia A skin disease characterized by poikiloderma, hyperkeratotic nails, generalized hyperkeratosis on palms and soles, neutropenia, short stature, and recurrent pulmonary infections. It has material basis in mutation in the C16ORF57 gene on chromosome 16q13. C565820 Poikiloderma with Neutropenia [] Q26492775 poikiloderma with neutropenia
102 DOID:1766 factitious disorder A disease of mental health where symptoms are deliberately produced, feigned or exaggerated in order to falsely demonstrate the presence of an illness. D005162 Factitious Disorders Disorders characterized by physical or psychological symptoms that are not real, genuine, or natural. Q2686385 factitious disorder
103 DOID:0110421 late-adult onset retinitis pigmentosa A retinitis pigmentosa that is characterized by onset of symptoms in the fifth or sixth decade of life. C564840 Retinitis Pigmentosa, Late-Adult Onset [] Q27677819 late-adult onset retinitis pigmentosa
stuppie commented 6 years ago
doid do_label do_def mesh mesh_label mesh_descr qid wd_label
104 DOID:0080053 Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy An osteochondrodysplasia that has_material_basis_in lack of responsiveness to parathyroid hormone which results_in shortening and widening of long bones of the located_in hand or located_in foot along with short stature, obesity, and rounded face. C537045 Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy [] Q4712685 Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy
105 DOID:10247 pleurisy A pleural disease that is characterized by inflammation of the pleura, the lining of the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs. D010998 Pleurisy INFLAMMATION of PLEURA, the lining of the LUNG. When PARIETAL PLEURA is involved, there is pleuritic CHEST PAIN. Q55998 pleurisy
106 DOID:0050117 disease by infectious agent A disease that is the consequence of the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions. D003141 Communicable Diseases An illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxins that occurs through the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent or its products from an infected individual or via an animal, vector or the inanimate environment to a susceptible animal or human host. Q18123741 infectious disease
107 DOID:0090061 familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome A primary immunodeficiency disease characterized by recurrent episodes of maculopapular skin rash triggered by exposure to cold associated with low-grade fever, general malaise, eye redness and arthralgia/myalgia. D056587 Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes A group of rare autosomal dominant diseases, commonly characterized by atypical URTICARIA (hives) with systemic symptoms that develop into end-organ damage. The atypical hives do not involve T-cell or autoantibody. Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome includes three previously distinct disorders: Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome; Muckle-Wells Syndrome; and CINCA Syndrome, that are now considered to represent a disease continuum, all caused by NLRP3 protein mutations. Q1835481 Familial cold urticaria
108 DOID:4399 acneiform dermatitis D017486 Acneiform Eruptions Visible efflorescent lesions of the skin caused by acne or resembling acne. (Dorland, 28th ed, p18, 575) Q2365426 Acneiform eruption
109 DOID:0050580 hereditary lymphedema A lymphedema commonly located_in legs, caused_by congenital abnormalities in the lymphatic system. D008209 Lymphedema Edema due to obstruction of lymph vessels or disorders of the lymph nodes. Q1996246 hereditary lymphedema
110 DOID:0060887 ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of spine A connective tissue disease characterized by ectopic ossification of the posterior longitudinal spinal ligament resulting in spinal cord compression, myelopathy and hyperreflexia. D017887 Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament A calcification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spinal column, usually at the level of the cervical spine. It is often associated with anterior ankylosing hyperostosis. Q30314263 Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament
111 DOID:0090001 Fraser syndrome An autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cryptophthalmos, syndactyly, ambiguous genitalia, laryngeal and genitourinary malformations, oral clefting, and mental retardation that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the FRAS1 gene on chromosome 4q21, the FREM2 gene on chromosome 13q13, or the GRIP1 gene on chromosome 12q14. D058497 Fraser Syndrome Rare autosomal recessive congenital malformation syndrome characterized by cryptophthalmos, SYNDACTYLY and UROGENITAL ABNORMALITIES. Other anomalies of bone, ear, lung, and nose are common. Mutations on FRAS1 and FREM2 are associated with the syndrome. Q1425572 Fraser syndrome
113 DOID:0060888 transient myeloproliferative syndrome A myeloproliferative neoplasm characterized by leukocytosis in newborns with Down syndrome and rarely in non-Down's infants. C563551 Myeloproliferative Syndrome, Transient [] Q32136782 transient myeloproliferative syndrome
114 DOID:0060878 hypoparathyroidism-deafness-renal disease syndrome A characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness and progressive renal failure that has material_basis_in chromosome deletion that results in haploinsufficiency of the GATA3 gene on chromosome 10p14. C537907 Barakat syndrome [] Q2027515 hypoparathyroidism-deafness-renal disease syndrome
115 DOID:0050661 vitelliform macular dystrophy A macular degeneration that it is characterized by the disruption of cells in a small area near the center of the retina, the macula and may cause progressive vision loss. D057826 Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy Autosomal dominant hereditary maculopathy with childhood-onset accumulation of LIPOFUSION in RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM. Affected individuals develop progressive central acuity loss, and distorted vision (METAMORPHOPSIA). It is associated with mutations in bestrophin, a chloride channel. Q830265 vitelliform macular dystrophy
116 DOID:3418 glossopharyngeal nerve disease D020435 Glossopharyngeal Nerve Diseases Diseases of the ninth cranial (glossopharyngeal) nerve or its nuclei in the medulla. The nerve may be injured by diseases affecting the lower brain stem, floor of the posterior fossa, jugular foramen, or the nerve's extracranial course. Clinical manifestations include loss of sensation from the pharynx, decreased salivation, and syncope. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia refers to a condition that features recurrent unilateral sharp pain in the tongue, angle of the jaw, external auditory meatus and throat that may be associated with SYNCOPE. Episodes may be triggered by cough, sneeze, swallowing, or pressure on the tragus of the ear. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1390) Q18555926 glossopharyngeal nerve disease
117 DOID:1555 urticaria A skin disease characterized by skin rash notable for pale red, raised and itchy bumps, located_in the upper dermis. D014581 Urticaria A vascular reaction of the skin characterized by erythema and wheal formation due to localized increase of vascular permeability. The causative mechanism may be allergy, infection, or stress. Q187440 urticaria
118 DOID:0050631 Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome An X-linked disease that has material basis in mutation at is in the gene encoding the monocarboxylate transporter-8 which alters the structure and function of the SLC16A2 protein which is then unable to transport the thyroid triiodothyronine (T3) hormone into nerve cells of the developing brain affecting normal brain development resulting in intellectual disability and problems with movement. C537047 Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome [] Q4731121 Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome
119 DOID:0050843 oromandibular dystonia A focal dystonia that is characterized by distortions of the mouth and tongue. D009069 Movement Disorders Syndromes which feature DYSKINESIAS as a cardinal manifestation of the disease process. Included in this category are degenerative, hereditary, post-infectious, medication-induced, post-inflammatory, and post-traumatic conditions. Q73828 oromandibular dystonia
120 DOID:0080019 metaphyseal dysplasia An osteochondrodysplasia that results_in thinning and the tendency to fracture located_in bone. C536252 Pyle disease [] Q13566985 metaphyseal dysplasia
121 DOID:0050150 Pontiac fever A legionellosis that involves a milder respiratory illness without pneumonia. Symptoms include fever, headache and muscle aches which last for 2 to 5 days. D007876 Legionellosis Infections with bacteria of the genus LEGIONELLA. Q3073142 Pontiac fever
122 DOID:6088 acute stress disorder An anxiety disorder that has_symptom flashbacks, has_symptom bad dreams, has_symptom frightening thoughts, has_symptom avoidance or has_symptom hyperarousal of PTSD occurring within one month of a traumatic experience as Acute Stress Disorder or ASD. D040701 Stress Disorders, Traumatic, Acute A class of traumatic stress disorders that is characterized by the significant dissociative states seen immediately after overwhelming trauma. By definition it cannot last longer than 1 month, if it persists, a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (STRESS DISORDERS, POST-TRAUMATIC) is more appropriate. Q424221 acute stress disorder
123 DOID:6088 acute stress disorder An anxiety disorder that has_symptom flashbacks, has_symptom bad dreams, has_symptom frightening thoughts, has_symptom avoidance or has_symptom hyperarousal of PTSD occurring within one month of a traumatic experience as Acute Stress Disorder or ASD. D000210 Acute-Phase Reaction An early local inflammatory reaction to insult or injury that consists of fever, an increase in inflammatory humoral factors, and an increased synthesis by hepatocytes of a number of proteins or glycoproteins usually found in the plasma. Q424221 acute stress disorder
124 DOID:0090104 Huntington disease-like 2 A neurodegenerative disease characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of a involuntary movements and abnormalities of voluntary movements, psychiatric symptoms, weight loss, and dementia with onset in the fourth decade and death about 20 years after disease onset that has material_basis_in a heterozygous expansion of a CAG/CTG repeat in the JPH3 gene on chromosome 16q24. C564708 Huntington Disease-Like 2 [] Q30990046 Huntington disease-like 2
125 DOID:0080153 medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency A lipid metabolism disorder that is characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase that results in the inability to convert medium chain fatty acids to energy, particularly during fasting. C536038 Medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency [] Q750826 medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
126 DOID:0050685 small cell carcinoma A carcinoma that is an undifferentiated neoplasm composed of primitive-appearing cells. D018288 Carcinoma, Small Cell An anaplastic, highly malignant, and usually bronchogenic carcinoma composed of small ovoid cells with scanty neoplasm. It is characterized by a dominant, deeply basophilic nucleus, and absent or indistinct nucleoli. (From Stedman, 25th ed; Holland et al., Cancer Medicine, 3d ed, p1286-7) Q738170 small cell carcinoma
127 DOID:0050869 villous adenoma D018253 Adenoma, Villous An adenoma of the large intestine. It is usually a solitary, sessile, often large, tumor of colonic mucosa composed of mucinous epithelium covering delicate vascular projections. Hypersecretion and malignant changes occur frequently. (Stedman, 25th ed) Q7931125 villous adenoma
128 DOID:0060434 chromosome 17q21.31 duplication syndrome C536578 Chromosome 17, trisomy 17p11 2 [] Q7234988 chromosome 17q21.31 duplication syndrome
129 DOID:0050909 MALT lymphoma A non-Hodgkin lymphoma that has_material_basis_in mucosal tissue involved in antibody production. D018442 Lymphoma, B-Cell, Marginal Zone Extranodal lymphoma of lymphoid tissue associated with mucosa that is in contact with exogenous antigens. Many of the sites of these lymphomas, such as the stomach, salivary gland, and thyroid, are normally devoid of lymphoid tissue. They acquire mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type as a result of an immunologically mediated disorder. Q591256 MALT lymphoma
130 DOID:0050722 PHGDH deficiency A serine deficiency that has_material_basis_in deficiency of phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase which results in a disruption of L-serine biosynthesis. C566618 Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency [] Q18553426 PHGDH deficiency
131 DOID:0050684 Bowen-Conradi syndrome C537081 Bowen-Conradi syndrome [] Q18553398 Bowen-Conradi syndrome
132 DOID:0050644 arterial calcification of infancy A vascular disease that is characterized by generalized calcification of the arterial internal elastic lamina, leading to rupture of the lamina and occlusive changes in the tunica intima with stenosis and decreased elasticity of the vessel wall. C537440 Arterial calcification of infancy [] Q9366868 arterial calcification of infancy
133 DOID:11162 respiratory failure A lung disease characterized by inadequate gas exchange by the respiratory system. D012133 Respiratory Paralysis Complete or severe weakness of the muscles of respiration. This condition may be associated with MOTOR NEURON DISEASES; PERIPHERAL NERVE DISEASES; NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION DISEASES; SPINAL CORD DISEASES; injury to the PHRENIC NERVE; and other disorders. Q767485 respiratory failure
134 DOID:0050810 biotin deficiency A nutritional deficiency disease that is characterized by thinning of the hair (often with loss of hair color), and red scaly rash around the eyes, nose, and mouth. C531633 Biotin deficiency [] Q10264745 biotin deficiency
135 DOID:0080141 mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome 1 C536987 Mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome [] Q26492834 mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome 1
136 DOID:0060046 aphasia A language disorder that involves an acquired impairment of any laguage modality such as producting or comprehending spoken or written language. D001037 Aphasia A cognitive disorder marked by an impaired ability to comprehend or express language in its written or spoken form. This condition is caused by diseases which affect the language areas of the dominant hemisphere. Clinical features are used to classify the various subtypes of this condition. General categories include receptive, expressive, and mixed forms of aphasia. Q2836 aphasia
137 DOID:0090067 Fuhrmann syndrome A bone development disease characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance of bowing of the femora, aplasia or hypoplasia of the fibulae and poly-, oligo-, and syndactyly that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the WNT7A gene on chromosome 3p25. C538189 Fuhrmann syndrome [] Q18411838 Fuhrmann syndrome
138 DOID:0060040 pervasive developmental disorder A developmental disorder of mental health that refers to a group of five disorders characterized by impairments in socialization and communication, as well as restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. D002659 Child Development Disorders, Pervasive Severe distortions in the development of many basic psychological functions that are not normal for any stage in development. These distortions are manifested in sustained social impairment, speech abnormalities, and peculiar motor movements. Q6691991 pervasive developmental disorder
139 DOID:0060645 chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis An osteomyelitis characterized by multiple foci of painful swelling of bones, mainly in the metaphyses of the long bones, in addition to the pelvis, the shoulder girdle and the spine. C535456 Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis [] Q2787011 Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
140 DOID:10919 transsexualism A gender identity disorder that is characterized by an individual's identification with a gender inconsistent or not culturally associated with their biological sex. D014189 Transsexualism Expression of a GENDER IDENTITY inconsistent with, or not culturally-associated with the gender assigned to an individual at birth, combined with the desire to permanently transition to the gender with which they identify. Q190965 transsexualism
141 DOID:0050155 sensory system disease A nervous system disease which is located in a part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information that consists of sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception. Commonly recognized sensory systems are those for vision, hearing, somatic sensation (touch), taste and olfaction (smell). D012678 Sensation Disorders Disorders of the special senses (i.e., VISION; HEARING; TASTE; and SMELL) or somatosensory system (i.e., afferent components of the PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM). Q18553219 sensory system disease
143 DOID:0050576 Senior-Loken syndrome An autosomal recessive genetic disease characterized by progressive wasting of the filtering unit of the kidney (nephronophthisis), with or without medullary cystic renal disease, and progressive eye disease. C537580 Senior Loken Syndrome [] Q4354267 Senior-Loken syndrome
144 DOID:0080070 inclusion-cell disease D009081 Mucolipidoses A group of inherited metabolic diseases characterized by the accumulation of excessive amounts of acid mucopolysaccharides, sphingolipids, and/or glycolipids in visceral and mesenchymal cells. Abnormal amounts of sphingolipids or glycolipids are present in neural tissue. INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY and skeletal changes, most notably dysostosis multiplex, occur frequently. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1992, Ch56, pp36-7) Q1516888 inclusion-cell disease
145 DOID:0060309 syndromic X-linked intellectual disability A syndromic intellectual characterized by an X-linked inheritance pattern. D038901 Mental Retardation, X-Linked A class of genetic disorders resulting in INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY that is associated either with mutations of GENES located on the X CHROMOSOME or aberrations in the structure of the X chromosome (SEX CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS). Q8041560 X-linked mental retardation
146 DOID:5570 malignant acrospiroma D018250 Acrospiroma A rare cutaneous tumor of eccrine sweat gland origin. It is most commonly found on the extremities and is usually benign. There is no indication that heredity or external agents cause these tumors. Q6743502 malignant acrospiroma
147 DOID:0080015 physical disorder A disease that has_material_basis_in a genetic abnormality, error with embryonic development, infection or compromised intrauterine environment. D009358 Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities Diseases existing at birth and often before birth, or that develop during the first month of life (INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES), regardless of causation. Of these diseases, those characterized by structural deformities are termed CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES. Q727096 congenital disorder
148 DOID:0080082 nonsyndromic congenital nail disorder 4 C536377 Anonychia congenita [] Q18553374 nonsyndromic congenital nail disorder 4
149 DOID:0050645 arterial tortuosity syndrome A connective tissue disease that is characterized by elongation and generalized tortuosity of the major arteries including the aorta. C565942 Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome [] Q4216194 arterial tortuosity syndrome
150 DOID:0090047 paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia 2 A dystonia characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of attacks of dystonic or choreathetotic movements precipitated by stress, fatigue, coffee or alcohol intake or menstruation that has_material_basis_in variation in the chromosome region 2q31. C537181 Paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia [] Q3042114 paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia 2
151 DOID:0050603 acheiropody C536014 Acheiropodia [] Q4673593 acheiropody
153 DOID:0060168 histidinemia A histidine metabolism disease that involves a deficiency of the enzyme histidase. C538320 Histidinemia [] Q725845 histidinemia
154 DOID:0090060 Wolcott-Rallison syndrome A characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance of permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, osteoporosis, growth retardation and frequently hepatic and renal dysfunction that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the EIF2AK3 gene on chromosome 2p11.2. C536739 Wolcott-Rallison syndrome [] Q8029730 Wolcott-Rallison syndrome
155 DOID:1829 urethral stricture D014525 Urethral Stricture Narrowing of any part of the URETHRA. It is characterized by decreased urinary stream and often other obstructive voiding symptoms. Q1585753 urethral stricture
156 DOID:0050997 cerebellar ataxia, mental retardation and dysequlibrium syndrome An autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia that is characterized by congenital onset of nonprogressive cerebellar ataxia, disturbed equilibrium, and mental retardation, associated with cerebellar hypoplasia. C535731 Dysequilibrium syndrome [] Q4052543 cerebellar ataxia, mental retardation and dysequlibrium syndrome
157 DOID:0060745 Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy A retinal drusen characterized by yellow-white deposits (drusen) that accumulate beneath the retinal pigment epithelium in the posterior pole of the eye in a honeycomb pattern and that has_material_basis_in mutations in the EFEMP1 gene on chromosome 2p16. C535602 Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy [] Q28065548 Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy
158 DOID:0080195 Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome An autosomal recessive disease characterized by congenital cataracts, cerebellar ataxia, progressive muscle weakness due to myopathy, and delayed psychomotor development. D013132 Spinocerebellar Degenerations A heterogenous group of degenerative syndromes marked by progressive cerebellar dysfunction either in isolation or combined with other neurologic manifestations. Sporadic and inherited subtypes occur. Inheritance patterns include autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked. Q2628677 Marinesco–Sjögren syndrome
159 DOID:0050635 alternating hemiplegia of childhood A hemiplegia characterized by recurrent episodes of temporary weakness or complete paralysis on one or both sides of the body. C536589 Alternating hemiplegia of childhood [] Q2632848 alternating hemiplegia of childhood
160 DOID:0050734 congenital intrinsic factor deficiency A vitamin B12 deficiency that is characterized by megaloblastic anemia due to the absence of gastric intrinsic factor which results in abnormal vitamin B12 absorption. C563242 Intrinsic Factor Deficiency [] Q18553437 congenital intrinsic factor deficiency
161 DOID:0050290 trichosporonosis An opportunistic mycosis that results_in disseminated infection, has_material_basis_in Trichosporon and results_in_formation_of nontender erythematous nodules anywhere on the body. D060586 Trichosporonosis Fungal infections caused by TRICHOSPORON that may become systemic especially in an IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOST. Clinical manifestations range from superficial cutaneous infections to systemic lesions in multiple organs. Q7841014 trichosporonosis
162 DOID:0060532 latex allergy A hypersensitivity reaction type I disease triggered by latex. D020315 Latex Hypersensitivity Allergic reaction to products containing processed natural rubber latex such as rubber gloves, condoms, catheters, dental dams, balloons, and sporting equipment. Both T-cell mediated (HYPERSENSITIVITY, DELAYED) and IgE antibody-mediated (HYPERSENSITIVITY, IMMEDIATE) allergic responses are possible. Delayed hypersensitivity results from exposure to antioxidants present in the rubber; immediate hypersensitivity results from exposure to a latex protein. Q1754830 latex allergy
163 DOID:4817 ganglioneuroma D005729 Ganglioneuroma A benign neoplasm that usually arises from the sympathetic trunk in the mediastinum. Histologic features include spindle cell proliferation (resembling a neurofibroma) and the presence of large ganglion cells. The tumor may present clinically with HORNER SYNDROME or diarrhea due to ectopic production of vasoactive intestinal peptide. (From DeVita et al., Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 5th ed, p966) Q1124606 ganglioneuroma
164 DOID:0080031 fibrous dysplasia A bone remodeling disease that results_in the destruction of normal bone and replacing it with fibrous bone tissue. D005357 Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone A disease of bone marked by thinning of the cortex by fibrous tissue containing bony spicules, producing pain, disability, and gradually increasing deformity. Only one bone may be involved (FIBROUS DYSPLASIA, MONOSTOTIC) or several (FIBROUS DYSPLASIA, POLYOSTOTIC). Q1410864 fibrous dysplasia
165 DOID:1936 atherosclerosis D058226 Plaque, Atherosclerotic Lesions formed within the walls of ARTERIES. Q12252367 atherosclerosis
166 DOID:0050672 dyskinetic cerebral palsy A cerebral palsy that is caused by damage to the extrapyramidal motor system and/or pyramidal tract and to the basal ganglia, which results in mixed muscle tone (hypertonia and hypotonia). The individuals have trouble holding themselves in an upright, steady position for sitting or walking, and often show involuntary motions. D002547 Cerebral Palsy A heterogeneous group of nonprogressive motor disorders caused by chronic brain injuries that originate in the prenatal period, perinatal period, or first few years of life. The four major subtypes are spastic, athetoid, ataxic, and mixed cerebral palsy, with spastic forms being the most common. The motor disorder may range from difficulties with fine motor control to severe spasticity (see MUSCLE SPASTICITY) in all limbs. Spastic diplegia (Little disease) is the most common subtype, and is characterized by spasticity that is more prominent in the legs than in the arms. Pathologically, this condition may be associated with LEUKOMALACIA, PERIVENTRICULAR. (From Dev Med Child Neurol 1998 Aug;40(8):520-7) Q4813631 dyskinetic cerebral palsy
167 DOID:0050720 ornithine translocase deficiency An amino acid metabolic disorder that has_material_basis in deficiency of ornithine translocase resulting in the accumulation of ammonia in the blood. C538380 HHH syndrome [] Q7103627 ornithine translocase deficiency
168 DOID:0050658 Bart-Pumphrey syndrome C537210 Knuckle pads, leuconychia and sensorineural deafness [] Q4865826 Bart-Pumphrey syndrome
169 DOID:0080021 Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia A metaphyseal dysplasia that results_in dwarfism and bowed legs. C537352 Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia Schmid type [] Q2964434 Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
170 DOID:0060056 hypersensitivity reaction disease An immune system disease that has material basis in abnormal immune responses. D006967 Hypersensitivity Altered reactivity to an antigen, which can result in pathologic reactions upon subsequent exposure to that particular antigen. Q5958765 hypersensitivity
171 DOID:0060023 CD40 deficiency A combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency that has material basis in mutation in the TNFRSF5 gene, resulting in type 3 hyper-IgM immunodeficiency characterized by an inability of B cells to undergo isotype switching, an inability to mount an antibody-specific immune response, and a lack of germinal center formation. D053306 Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency Syndrome A rare inherited immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by normal or elevated serum IMMUNOGLOBULIN M levels with absence of IMMUNOGLOBULIN G; IMMUNOGLOBULIN A; and IMMUNOGLOBULIN E. It results in a profound susceptibility to BACTERIAL INFECTIONS and an increased susceptibility to OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS. Several subtypes of hyper-IgM immunodeficiency syndrome exist depending upon the location of genetic mutation. Q5957519 CD40 deficiency
172 DOID:0050134 cutaneous mycosis A fungal infectious disease that results_in infection of the keratinized layers located_in skin, located_in hair or located_in nail, which extends deeper into the epidermis, has_material_basis_in Fungi and results_in_formation_of skin lesions. D003881 Dermatomycoses Superficial infections of the skin or its appendages by any of various fungi. Q18553212 cutaneous mycosis
173 DOID:0050524 maturity-onset diabetes of the young A genetic disease that has_material_basis_in mutations in the MODY genes disrupting insulin production. D003924 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 A subclass of DIABETES MELLITUS that is not INSULIN-responsive or dependent (NIDDM). It is characterized initially by INSULIN RESISTANCE and HYPERINSULINEMIA; and eventually by GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE; HYPERGLYCEMIA; and overt diabetes. Type II diabetes mellitus is no longer considered a disease exclusively found in adults. Patients seldom develop KETOSIS but often exhibit OBESITY. Q663041 maturity-onset diabetes of the young
174 DOID:0050740 Qazi Markouizos syndrome A syndrome that is characterized by hypotonia, congenital fiber type disproportion and dysharmonic skeletal maturation. C536259 Qazi Markouizos syndrome [] Q7267327 Qazi Markouizos syndrome
175 DOID:0050169 cutaneous lupus erythematosus A lupus erythematosus that causes skin lesions on parts of the body that are exposed to sunlight. D008178 Lupus Erythematosus, Cutaneous A form of lupus erythematosus in which the skin may be the only organ involved or in which skin involvement precedes the spread into other body systems. It has been classified into three forms - acute (= LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS, SYSTEMIC with skin lesions), subacute, and chronic (= LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS, DISCOID). Q18553226 cutaneous lupus erythematosus
176 DOID:0080020 Jansen's metaphyseal chondrodysplasia A metaphyseal dysplasia that has_material_basis_in mutation in PTH receptor which results_in short-limbed dwarfism. C537564 Jansen type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia [] Q2964433 Jansen's metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
177 DOID:0110792 hereditary spastic paraplegia 4 A hereditary spastic paraplegia that is characterized by slowly progressive muscle weakness and spasticity and has_material_basis_in mutation in the SPAST gene on chromosome 2p22. C536865 Spastic paraplegia 4, autosomal dominant [] Q2308013 hereditary spastic paraplegia 4
178 DOID:0050710 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency An amino acid metabolic disorder that has_material_basis_in mutations in the MCCC1 and MCCC2 genes causing inadequate levels of the enzyme 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase that helps break down proteins containing the amino acid leucine. This disease has_symptom muscular hypotonia (weak muscle tone), has_symptom muscular atrophy, has_symptom feeding difficulties, has_symptom recurrent episodes of vomiting and diarrhea, and has_symptom lethargy. C535308 3-methylcrotonyl CoA carboxylase 1 deficiency [] Q4634172 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
179 DOID:0050643 anonychia congenita C536377 Anonychia congenita [] Q22443772 anonychia congenita
180 DOID:12559 idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis An osteoporosis with no known cause that is characterized by pain in the back and extremities, walking difficulties, multiple fractures, and radiological evidence of osteoporosis. C537700 Juvenile osteoporosis [] Q6318965 idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis
182 DOID:0050664 Bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy C535440 Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy [] Q4904691 Bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy
183 DOID:0060228 intracranial berry aneurysm An intracranial aneurysm with a characteristic rounded shape; the most common form of cerebral aneurysm. D002532 Intracranial Aneurysm Outpouching of BASILAR ARTERY at the base of the skull. The basilar artery is the most important artery in the posterior cerebral circulation. Q6058359 Intracranial berry aneurysm
184 DOID:0060773 cleft lip-palate-ectodermal dysplasia syndrome An autosomal recessive disease characterized by cleft lip, cleft palate, hypodontia, anodontia, microdontia, syndactyly, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, onychodysplasia, and sparse hair that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the NECTIN1 gene on chromosome 11q23. C536726 Zlotogora-Ogur syndrome [] Q28065578 cleft lip-palate-ectodermal dysplasia syndrome
185 DOID:0050697 chorioamnionitis A placenta disease that is an inflammation of the fetal membranes (amnion and chorion) due to a bacterial infection. D002821 Chorioamnionitis INFLAMMATION of the placental membranes (CHORION; AMNION) and connected tissues such as fetal BLOOD VESSELS and UMBILICAL CORD. It is often associated with intrauterine ascending infections during PREGNANCY. Q2552421 chorioamnionitis
186 DOID:0111072 myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy A muscle tissue disease characterized by increased muscle bulk and strength that has material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the MSTN gene on chromosome 2q32.2. C536106 Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy [] Q3144217 myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy
187 DOID:0050789 tarsal-carpal coalition syndrome An autosomal dominant disease that is characterized by fusion of the carpals, tarsals, and phalanges, short first metacarpals causing brachydactyly; and humeroradial fusion. C536943 NOG-Related-Symphalangism Spectrum Disorder [] Q18553474 tarsal-carpal coalition syndrome
188 DOID:10719 toxic diffuse goiter D006111 Graves Disease A common form of hyperthyroidism with a diffuse hyperplastic GOITER. It is an autoimmune disorder that produces antibodies against the THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE RECEPTOR. These autoantibodies activate the TSH receptor, thereby stimulating the THYROID GLAND and hypersecretion of THYROID HORMONES. These autoantibodies can also affect the eyes (GRAVES OPHTHALMOPATHY) and the skin (Graves dermopathy). Q16483 toxic diffuse goiter
189 DOID:0050745 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma A B-cell lymphoma that is a cancer of B cells presenting as an aggressive tumour which can arise in virtually any part of the body. D016403 Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse Malignant lymphoma composed of large B lymphoid cells whose nuclear size can exceed normal macrophage nuclei, or more than twice the size of a normal lymphocyte. The pattern is predominantly diffuse. Most of these lymphomas represent the malignant counterpart of B-lymphocytes at midstage in the process of differentiation. Q2626074 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
190 DOID:0080071 pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy D009081 Mucolipidoses A group of inherited metabolic diseases characterized by the accumulation of excessive amounts of acid mucopolysaccharides, sphingolipids, and/or glycolipids in visceral and mesenchymal cells. Abnormal amounts of sphingolipids or glycolipids are present in neural tissue. INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY and skeletal changes, most notably dysostosis multiplex, occur frequently. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1992, Ch56, pp36-7) Q7254411 pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy
191 DOID:0050712 AGAT deficiency An amino acid metabolic disorder that has_material_basis_in a mutation in the GATM gene resulting in deficiency of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase which then limits creatine synthesis. C567192 Arginine:Glycine Amidinotransferase Deficiency [] Q18553418 AGAT deficiency
192 DOID:0060064 sideroblastic anemia with spinocerebellar ataxia C536358 Anemia, sideroblastic spinocerebellar ataxia [] Q18965552 sideroblastic anemia with spinocerebellar ataxia
193 DOID:0050535 exudative vitreoretinopathy A retinal vascular disease characterized by the prevention of blood vessel formation at the edges of the retina and the hemorrhage of the blood vessels in the retina. C536382 Exudative vitreoretinopathy 1 [] Q5432936 exudative vitreoretinopathy
194 DOID:0050854 Muckle-Wells syndrome D056587 Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes A group of rare autosomal dominant diseases, commonly characterized by atypical URTICARIA (hives) with systemic symptoms that develop into end-organ damage. The atypical hives do not involve T-cell or autoantibody. Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome includes three previously distinct disorders: Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome; Muckle-Wells Syndrome; and CINCA Syndrome, that are now considered to represent a disease continuum, all caused by NLRP3 protein mutations. Q1538218 Muckle-Wells syndrome
195 DOID:0050775 schneckenbecken dysplasia C536637 Schneckenbecken dysplasia [] Q18553466 schneckenbecken dysplasia
196 DOID:0050946 Charlevoix-Saguenay spastic ataxia C536787 Spastic ataxia Charlevoix-Saguenay type [] Q2868786 Charlevoix-Saguenay spastic ataxia
197 DOID:0050649 atransferrinemia C538259 Congenital atransferrinemia [] Q1437472 atransferrinemia
198 DOID:528 hydrarthrosis D006833 Hydrarthrosis Accumulation of watery fluid in the cavity of a joint. (Dorland, 27th ed) Q1499629 joint effusion
199 DOID:0060731 congenital central hypoventilation syndrome An autonomic nervous system disease characterized by reduced responsiveness of the respiratory center to carbon dioxide, diminished pupillary light responses, and other symptoms related to defects in the autonomic nervous system and that has_material_basis_in most commonly heterozygous mutation in the PHOX2B gene on chromosome 4p13 and less frequently mutations in the RET, GDNF, EDN3, BDNF, or ASCL1 genes. D020182 Sleep Apnea, Central A condition associated with multiple episodes of sleep apnea which are distinguished from obstructive sleep apnea (SLEEP APNEA, OBSTRUCTIVE) by the complete cessation of efforts to breathe. This disorder is associated with dysfunction of central nervous system centers that regulate respiration. Q979129 congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
200 DOID:0050762 adenylosuccinase lyase deficiency C538235 Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency [] Q4682317 adenylosuccinase lyase deficiency
201 DOID:14110 anus cancer A large intestine cancer that is located_in the anus. D001005 Anus Neoplasms Tumors or cancer of the ANAL CANAL. Q484827 anus cancer
202 DOID:0050726 tyrosinemia type I A tyrosinemia that has_material_basis_in deficiency of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase resulting in an increase in fumarylacetoacetate which inhibits previous steps in tyrosine degradation leading to an accumulation of tyrosine in the body. D020176 Tyrosinemias A group of disorders which have in common elevations of tyrosine in the blood and urine secondary to an enzyme deficiency. Type I tyrosinemia features episodic weakness, self-mutilation, hepatic necrosis, renal tubular injury, and seizures and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetase. Type II tyrosinemia features INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, painful corneal ulcers, and keratoses of the palms and plantar surfaces and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme TYROSINE TRANSAMINASE. Type III tyrosinemia features INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme 4-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp42-3) Q1747726 tyrosinemia type I
203 DOID:0060859 salmonellosis A primary bacterial infectious disease caused by the bacteria of the genus Salmonella. It has sypmtoms diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours after infection. In most cases, the illness lasts four to seven days, and most people recover without treatment. D012478 Salmonella Food Poisoning Poisoning caused by ingestion of food harboring species of SALMONELLA. Conditions of raising, shipping, slaughtering, and marketing of domestic animals contribute to the spread of this bacterium in the food supply. Q326648 salmonellosis
204 DOID:0050711 aceruloplasminemia An iron metabolism disease that has_material_basis_in a mutation in the ceruloplasmin gene characterized by progressive neurodegeneration of the retina and basal ganglia and diabetes mellitus. C536004 Familial apoceruloplasmin deficiency [] Q337604 aceruloplasminemia
205 DOID:0050871 fibroma D005350 Fibroma A benign tumor of fibrous or fully developed connective tissue. Q4667072 fibroma
206 DOID:0050763 ARC syndrome A syndrome that is characterized by congenital joint contractures, renal tubular dysfunction, cholestasis, severe failure to thrive, ichthyosis, and a defect in platelet alpha-granule biogenesis. It has material basis in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the VPS33B gene or has masterial basis in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the VIPAR gene on chromosome 14q24.3. C535382 Arthrogryposis renal dysfunction cholestasis syndrome [] Q18553459 ARC syndrome
207 DOID:0050556 infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia C535523 Infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia [] Q18553306 infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia
stuppie commented 6 years ago
doid do_label do_def mesh mesh_label mesh_descr qid wd_label
208 DOID:0050771 phaeochromocytoma D010673 Pheochromocytoma A usually benign, well-encapsulated, lobular, vascular tumor of chromaffin tissue of the ADRENAL MEDULLA or sympathetic paraganglia. The cardinal symptom, reflecting the increased secretion of EPINEPHRINE and NOREPINEPHRINE, is HYPERTENSION, which may be persistent or intermittent. During severe attacks, there may be HEADACHE; SWEATING, palpitation, apprehension, TREMOR; PALLOR or FLUSHING of the face, NAUSEA and VOMITING, pain in the CHEST and ABDOMEN, and paresthesias of the extremities. The incidence of malignancy is as low as 5% but the pathologic distinction between benign and malignant pheochromocytomas is not clear. (Dorland, 27th ed; DeVita Jr et al., Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 3d ed, p1298) Q536269 phaeochromocytoma
209 DOID:0050601 ADULT syndrome An autosomal dominant disease that is characterized by light pigmentation with excessive freckling, sparse hair involving the scalp and axilla, lacrimal duct stenosis or atresia, onychodysplasia, hypodontia or early loss of permanent teeth, athelia or hypoplastic nipples, and breast hypoplasia, has_material_basis_in a mutation in TP63. C538052 Propping Zerres syndrome [] Q9390205 ADULT syndrome
210 DOID:0060782 EEC syndrome An autosomal dominant disease characterized by ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and orofacial clefts (cleft lip-palate). C536189 Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome [] Q5334319 Ectrodactyly–ectodermal dysplasia–cleft syndrome
211 DOID:9675 pulmonary emphysema D011656 Pulmonary Emphysema Enlargement of air spaces distal to the TERMINAL BRONCHIOLES where gas-exchange normally takes place. This is usually due to destruction of the alveolar wall. Pulmonary emphysema can be classified by the location and distribution of the lesions. Q188605 pulmonary emphysema
212 DOID:0050630 Aland Island eye disease C562664 Aland Island Eye Disease [] Q18553368 Aland Island eye disease
213 DOID:0050790 fibular hypoplasia and complex brachydactyly An autosomal recessive disease that is characterised by severe reduction or absence of the fibula and complex brachydactyly. C537931 Fibular hypoplasia and complex brachydactyly [] Q2718677 du Pan syndrome
214 DOID:0090091 hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 23 with or without anosmia A hypogonadotropic hypogonadism that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the LHB gene on chromosome 19q13. C537919 Fertile eunuch syndrome [] Q9390597 hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 23 with or without anosmia
215 DOID:9590 lower urinary tract calculus A urinary system disease that is located_in the lower urinary tract and is characterized by the formation of a stone. D014545 Urinary Calculi Low-density crystals or stones in any part of the URINARY TRACT. Their chemical compositions often include CALCIUM OXALATE, magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite), CYSTINE, or URIC ACID. Q1585769 Urolithiasis
216 DOID:0060576 3MC syndrome 2 A 3MC syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the COLEC11 gene on chromosome 2p25. C535586 Carnevale syndrome [] Q26695327 3MC syndrome 2
217 DOID:0110070 arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 1 An arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia that has material basis in heterozygous mutation in the TGFB3 gene on chromosome 14q24. C536932 Uhl anomaly [] Q2852241 arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 1
218 DOID:0050127 sinusitis A paranasal sinus disease involving inflammation of the paranasal sinuses resulting from bacterial, fungal, viral infection, allergic or autoimmune issues. Symptoms can include fever, weakness, fatigue, cough and congestion. There may also be mucus drainage in the back of the throat, called postnasal drip. D012852 Sinusitis Inflammation of the NASAL MUCOSA in one or more of the PARANASAL SINUSES. Q183344 sinusitis
219 DOID:8557 oropharynx cancer A pharynx cancer that is located_in the oropharynx. D009959 Oropharyngeal Neoplasms Tumors or cancer of the OROPHARYNX. Q2031424 oropharynx cancer
220 DOID:0050194 Argentine hemorrhagic fever A viral infectious disease that is a hemorrhagic fever, has_material_basis_in Junin virus, which is transmitted_by rodent, Calomys musculinus. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom fatigue, has_symptom malaise, has_symptom leukopenia, has_symptom thrombocytopenia, and has_symptom hemorrhagic manifestations. D018051 Junin virus A species of ARENAVIRUS, part of the New World Arenaviruses (ARENAVIRUSES, NEW WORLD), causing Argentinian hemorrhagic fever. The disease is characterized by congestion, edema, generalized lymphadenopathy and hemorrhagic necrosis and is sometimes fatal. Q2583514 Argentine hemorrhagic fever
221 DOID:0050856 oppositional defiant disorder D019958 Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Includes two similar disorders: oppositional defiant disorder and CONDUCT DISORDERS. Symptoms occurring in children with these disorders include: defiance of authority figures, angry outbursts, and other antisocial behaviors. Q1328833 oppositional defiant disorder
222 DOID:0050419 complement factor I deficiency C572568 Complement Factor I Deficiency [] Q18553256 complement factor I deficiency
223 DOID:10854 salivary gland disease D012466 Salivary Gland Diseases Diseases involving the SALIVARY GLANDS. Q17152566 salivary gland disease
224 DOID:0050692 Brody myopathy A neuromuscular disease is characterized by difficulty relaxing muscles and muscle stiffness following exercise or other strenuous activity and is located_in skeletal muscles. C536607 Brody myopathy [] Q4973199 Brody myopathy
225 DOID:0080169 tricuspid atresia A tricuspid valve disease characterized by a missing or abnormally developed tricuspid heart value at birth. D018785 Tricuspid Atresia Absence of the orifice between the RIGHT ATRIUM and RIGHT VENTRICLE, with the presence of an atrial defect through which all the systemic venous return reaches the left heart. As a result, there is left ventricular hypertrophy (HYPERTROPHY, LEFT VENTRICULAR) because the right ventricle is absent or not functional. Q1283303 tricuspid atresia
226 DOID:0050830 peripheral artery disease An artery disease that is characterized by build up of plaque in the arteries that carry blood to your head, organs, and limbs. D058729 Peripheral Arterial Disease Lack of perfusion in the EXTREMITIES resulting from atherosclerosis. It is characterized by INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION, and an ANKLE BRACHIAL INDEX of 0.9 or less. Q378681 peripheral artery disease
227 DOID:0060436 chromosome 22q11.2 microduplication syndrome C567224 Chromosome 22q11.2 Microduplication Syndrome [] Q4631454 chromosome 22q11.2 microduplication syndrome
228 DOID:0090122 aromatase excess syndrome A reproductive system disease characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of increased extraglandular aromatization of steroids resulting in heterosexual precocity in males and isosexual precocity in females that has_material_basis_in fusion of the CYP19A1 gene with various partners, brought about by translocations and resulting in gain of function of the CYP19A1 gene. C537436 Aromatase deficiency [] Q4795508 aromatase excess syndrome
229 DOID:0080044 hypochondrogenesis An osteochondrodysplasia that has_material_basis_in a mutation in the COL2A1 gene which affects bone growth and results_in a small body, hydrops fetalis, and abnormal ossification located_in vertebral column or located_in pelvis. The disease has_symptom enlarged abdomen. C563007 Hypochondrogenesis [] Q5959327 hypochondrogenesis
231 DOID:0050291 parasitic Ichthyosporea infectious disease A parasitic infectious disease that involves parasitic infection by the members of the class Ichthyosporea, which are parasites of fish and other animals. D050738 Mesomycetozoea Infections Infections by MESOMYCETOZOEA, general or unspecified. Q18553243 parasitic Ichthyosporea infectious disease
232 DOID:0050779 hydrolethalus syndrome An autosomal recessive disease characterized by mulitple fetal developmental defects including polydactyly and central nervous system malformations that results from a single amino acid mutation of D211G of the HYLS1 gene which plays a central role in cilia formation. C536079 Hydrolethalus syndrome [] Q5955105 hydrolethalus syndrome
233 DOID:0060601 alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor deficiency A hemorrhagic disease that has_material_basis_in mutation in the PLI gene. It is characterized by a hemorrhagic tendency presenting from childhood with prolonged bleeding and ecchymoses following minor trauma and spontaneous bleeding episodes. C537777 Anti-plasmin deficiency, congenital [] Q27164414 alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor deficiency
234 DOID:0050788 proximal symphalangism An autosomal dominant disease that is characterized by ankylosis of the proximal interphalangeal joints, carpal and tarsal bone fusion, and conductive deafness. C536223 Cushing's symphalangism [] Q18553473 proximal symphalangism
235 DOID:0110004 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 3 A 3-methylglutaconic aciduria that has_material_basis_in mutation in the OPA3 gene. C535311 Costeff optic atrophy syndrome [] Q2823332 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 3
236 DOID:0060762 lethal restrictive dermopathy A skin disease characterized by thin, tightly adherent translucent skin with erosions at flexure sites, superficial vessels, typical facial dysmorphism, and generalized joint ankylosis that has_material_basis_in heterozygous mutation in the LMNA gene on chromosome 1q22 or by homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the ZMPSTE24 gene on chromosome 1p34. C536920 Tight skin contracture syndrome, lethal [] Q7316329 Restrictive dermopathy
237 DOID:0060700 familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia 1 A familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia that has_material_basis_in heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the CASR gene on chromosome 3q21. C537145 Hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, familial, type 1 [] Q28024518 familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia 1
238 DOID:0060760 immunodeficiency with hyper-IgM type 4 A hyperimmunoglobulin syndrome characterized by normal or increased serum IgM concentrations associated with low or absent serum IgG, IgA, and IgE concentrations, indicating a defect in the class-switch recombination (CSR) process. D053306 Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency Syndrome A rare inherited immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by normal or elevated serum IMMUNOGLOBULIN M levels with absence of IMMUNOGLOBULIN G; IMMUNOGLOBULIN A; and IMMUNOGLOBULIN E. It results in a profound susceptibility to BACTERIAL INFECTIONS and an increased susceptibility to OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS. Several subtypes of hyper-IgM immunodeficiency syndrome exist depending upon the location of genetic mutation. Q5957524 Hyper-IgM syndrome type 4
239 DOID:12351 alcoholic hepatitis D006519 Hepatitis, Alcoholic INFLAMMATION of the LIVER due to ALCOHOL ABUSE. It is characterized by NECROSIS of HEPATOCYTES, infiltration by NEUTROPHILS, and deposit of MALLORY BODIES. Depending on its severity, the inflammatory lesion may be reversible or progress to LIVER CIRRHOSIS. Q3144986 alcoholic hepatitis
240 DOID:14762 calcaneonavicular coalition A synostosis characterized by the fusion of carpal and tarsal bones, which causes stiffness and immobility of the hands and the feet. C536943 NOG-Related-Symphalangism Spectrum Disorder [] Q18554815 calcaneonavicular coalition
241 DOID:571 median neuropathy D020423 Median Neuropathy Disease involving the median nerve, from its origin at the BRACHIAL PLEXUS to its termination in the hand. Clinical features include weakness of wrist and finger flexion, forearm pronation, thenar abduction, and loss of sensation over the lateral palm, first three fingers, and radial half of the ring finger. Common sites of injury include the elbow, where the nerve passes through the two heads of the pronator teres muscle (pronator syndrome) and in the carpal tunnel (CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME). Q18556959 median neuropathy
242 DOID:0090029 CINCA Syndrome A hypersensitivity reaction type II disease characterized by neonatal onset of cutaneous symptoms, chronic meningitis, and joint manifestations with recurrent fever and inflammation that has_material_basis_in heterozygous mutation in the NLRP3 gene on chromosome 1q. D056587 Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes A group of rare autosomal dominant diseases, commonly characterized by atypical URTICARIA (hives) with systemic symptoms that develop into end-organ damage. The atypical hives do not involve T-cell or autoantibody. Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome includes three previously distinct disorders: Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome; Muckle-Wells Syndrome; and CINCA Syndrome, that are now considered to represent a disease continuum, all caused by NLRP3 protein mutations. Q779203 CINCA Syndrome
243 DOID:0050694 Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome C537111 Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome [] Q4976847 Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome
245 DOID:0060341 agnathia-otocephaly complex A physical disorder characterized by mandibular hypoplasia or agnathia, ventromedial auricular malposition (melotia) and/or auricular fusion (synotia), and microstomia with oroglossal hypoplasia or aglossia. Holoprosencephaly is the most commonly identified association, but skeletal, genitourinary and cardiovascular anomalies and situs inversus have been reported. C562503 Otocephaly [] Q3357668 agnathia-otocephaly complex
246 DOID:0060843 hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies A neuropathy characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of peroneal muscle weakness, peripheral neuropathy, hyporeflexia, tomacula, segmental demyelination/remyelination, decreased motor nerve conduction that has_material_basis_in deletion or point mutation of the PMP22 gene on chromosome 17p12. C536965 Tomaculous neuropathy [] Q1609737 hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
247 DOID:0050751 T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia A chronic lymphocytic leukemia that exhibits an unexplained, chronic (> 6 months) elevation in large granular lymphocytes (LGLs) in the peripheral blood. D054066 Leukemia, Large Granular Lymphocytic A spectrum of disorders characterized by clonal expansions of the peripheral blood LYMPHOCYTE populations known as large granular lymphocytes which contain abundant cytoplasm and azurophilic granules. Subtypes develop from either CD3-negative NATURAL KILLER CELLS or CD3-positive T-CELLS. The clinical course of both subtypes can vary from spontaneous regression to progressive, malignant disease. Q6489151 T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia
248 DOID:2345 plasma protein metabolism disease An inherited metabolic disorder that involves plasma protein metabolism malfunction. D001796 Blood Protein Disorders Hematologic diseases caused by structural or functional defects of BLOOD PROTEINS. Q18555057 plasma protein metabolism disease
249 DOID:0080006 bone development disease A bone disease that results_in abnormal growth and development located_in bone or located_in cartilage. D001848 Bone Diseases, Developmental Diseases resulting in abnormal GROWTH or abnormal MORPHOGENESIS of BONES. Q18553737 bone development disease
250 DOID:5161 Monckeberg arteriosclerosis D050380 Monckeberg Medial Calcific Sclerosis Thickening and loss of elasticity of the walls of muscular ARTERIES due to calcification of the TUNICA MEDIA, the concentric layers of helically arranged SMOOTH MUSCLE CELLS. Q938991 Monckeberg arteriosclerosis
251 DOID:0050731 vitamin B12 deficiency A vitamin metabolic disorder that results from low blood levels of vitamin B12. D014806 Vitamin B 12 Deficiency A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of VITAMIN B 12 in the diet, characterized by megaloblastic anemia. Since vitamin B 12 is not present in plants, humans have obtained their supply from animal products, from multivitamin supplements in the form of pills, and as additives to food preparations. A wide variety of neuropsychiatric abnormalities is also seen in vitamin B 12 deficiency and appears to be due to an undefined defect involving myelin synthesis. (From Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 19th ed, p848) Q3234995 vitamin B12 deficiency
252 DOID:0050753 cerebellar ataxia A cerebellar disease characterized by ataxia originating in the cerebellum. D002524 Cerebellar Ataxia Incoordination of voluntary movements that occur as a manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES. Characteristic features include a tendency for limb movements to overshoot or undershoot a target (dysmetria), a tremor that occurs during attempted movements (intention TREMOR), impaired force and rhythm of diadochokinesis (rapidly alternating movements), and GAIT ATAXIA. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p90) Q154709 cerebellar ataxia
253 DOID:0110712 Oguchi disease-1 A hereditary night blindness characterized by congenital static night blindness, a golden or gray-white discoloration of the fundus that disappears in the dark-adapted state and typically normal function of all other visual functions that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the SAG gene on chromosome 2q37. C537743 Oguchi disease [] Q7080278 Oguchi disease type 1
254 DOID:2129 atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor A brain cancer that is usually located in the brain, but can occur anywhere in the central nervous system. D016543 Central Nervous System Neoplasms Benign and malignant neoplastic processes that arise from or secondarily involve the brain, spinal cord, or meninges. Q631904 atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
255 DOID:6225 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome D044483 Intestinal Polyposis The growth of INTESTINAL POLYPS. Growth processes include neoplastic (ADENOMA and CARCINOMA) and non-neoplastic (hyperplastic, mucosal, inflammatory, and other polyps). Q1422034 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
256 DOID:0050756 Batten disease D009472 Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses This type is caused by mutation in the CLN3 gene encoding a lysosomal integral membrane protein (Battenin). Q1753778 Batten Disease
257 DOID:0050662 bestrophinopathy C567518 Bestrophinopathy [] Q18553385 bestrophinopathy
258 DOID:0050816 urofacial syndrome An autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by inverted facial expressions in association with a severe and early-onset form of dysfunctional urinary voiding. C536480 Urofacial syndrome [] Q4352832 urofacial syndrome
259 DOID:0060328 anal fistula An anus disease characterized by is an abnormal connection between the epithelialised surface of the anal canal and the perianal skin. D012003 Rectal Fistula An abnormal anatomical passage connecting the RECTUM to the outside, with an orifice at the site of drainage. Q484765 anal fistula
260 DOID:9912 hydrocele D006848 Testicular Hydrocele Accumulation of serous fluid between the layers of membrane (tunica vaginalis) covering the TESTIS in the SCROTUM. Q584211 hydrocele
261 DOID:0090057 X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism A focal dystonia characterized by parkinsonism that is frequently accompanied by focal dystonia and progresses to generalized dystonia that has_material_basis_in an SVA retrotransposon insertion in the intron of the TAF1 gene on chromosome Xq13.1. C564048 Dystonia 3, Torsion, X-Linked [] Q3042159 X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism
262 DOID:0050847 sleep apnea A sleep disorder characterized by repeated cessation and commencing of breathing that repeatedly disrupts sleep. D012891 Sleep Apnea Syndromes Disorders characterized by multiple cessations of respirations during sleep that induce partial arousals and interfere with the maintenance of sleep. Sleep apnea syndromes are divided into central (see SLEEP APNEA, CENTRAL), obstructive (see SLEEP APNEA, OBSTRUCTIVE), and mixed central-obstructive types. Q213600 sleep apnea
263 DOID:0050729 neutral lipid storage disease A lipid storage disease that is characterized by accumulation of triglycerides in the cytoplasm of leukocytes, muscle, liver, fibroblasts, and other tissues. C536560 Chanarin-Dorfman Syndrome [] Q7003001 neutral lipid storage disease
264 DOID:12904 mucocele of salivary gland D011900 Ranula A form of retention cyst of the floor of the mouth, usually due to obstruction of the ducts of the submaxillary or sublingual glands, presenting a slowly enlarging painless deep burrowing mucocele of one side of the mouth. It is also called sublingual cyst and sublingual ptyalocele. Q1756640 mucocele of salivary gland
265 DOID:0050167 autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 An autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome that is inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion, which is characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes auto-reactivity against endocrine organs. D016884 Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune Autoimmune diseases affecting multiple endocrine organs. Type I is characterized by childhood onset and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CANDIDIASIS, CHRONIC MUCOCUTANEOUS), while type II exhibits any combination of adrenal insufficiency (ADDISON'S DISEASE), lymphocytic thyroiditis (THYROIDITIS, AUTOIMMUNE;), HYPOPARATHYROIDISM; and gonadal failure. In both types organ-specific ANTIBODIES against a variety of ENDOCRINE GLANDS have been detected. The type II syndrome differs from type I in that it is associated with HLA-A1 and B8 haplotypes, onset is usually in adulthood, and candidiasis is not present. Q4347774 autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1
266 DOID:4481 allergic rhinitis A rhinitis that is an allergic inflammation and irritation of the nasal airways involving sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itching and tearing of the eyes caused by exposure to an allergen such as pollen, dust, mold, animal dander and droppings of cockroaches or house dust mites. D065631 Rhinitis, Allergic An inflammation of the NASAL MUCOSA triggered by ALLERGENS. Q272436 allergic rhinitis
267 DOID:0090109 autosomal dominant hypocalcemia A calcium metabolism disease characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of variable degrees of hypocalcemia with normal to low levels of parathyroid hormone. C562783 Hypercalciuric Hypocalcemia, Familial [] Q30989948 autosomal dominant hypocalcemia
268 DOID:10123 pigmentation disease D010859 Pigmentation Disorders Diseases affecting PIGMENTATION, including SKIN PIGMENTATION. Q7193408 pigmentation disease
269 DOID:0050606 acrokeratosis verruciformis D007644 Darier Disease An alleleic variant of Darier's disease. Q4675784 acrokeratosis verruciformis
270 DOID:5621 histiocytic and dendritic cell cancer A sarcoma and hematologic cancer that derives_from follicular lymphoma. D015620 Histiocytic Disorders, Malignant Distinctive neoplastic disorders of histiocytes. Included are malignant neoplasms of MACROPHAGES and DENDRITIC CELLS. Q18556903 histiocytic and dendritic cell cancer
271 DOID:0050675 Birk-Barel syndrome C567357 Birk-Barel Mental Retardation Dysmorphism Syndrome [] Q18553391 Birk-Barel syndrome
272 DOID:0080045 Kniest dysplasia An osteochondrodysplasia that has_material_basis_in a mutation in the COL2A1 gene which results_in dwarfism with a short trunk and limbs as well as vision and hearing problems. The disease has_symptom large joints, has_symptom wide set eyes, has_symptom round flat face. C537207 Kniest dysplasia [] Q6422092 Kniest dysplasia
273 DOID:2476 hereditary spastic paraplegia A paraplegia that is characterized by progressive stiffness and contraction (spasticity) in the lower limbs. D015419 Spastic Paraplegia, Hereditary A group of inherited diseases that share similar phenotypes but are genetically diverse. Different genetic loci for autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, and x-linked forms of hereditary spastic paraplegia have been identified. Clinically, patients present with slowly progressive distal limb weakness and lower extremity spasticity. Peripheral sensory neurons may be affected in the later stages of the disease. (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998 Jan;64(1):61-6; Curr Opin Neurol 1997 Aug;10(4):313-8) Q657516 hereditary spastic paraplegia
274 DOID:2914 immune system disease A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the immune system. D016867 Immunocompromised Host A human or animal whose immunologic mechanism is deficient because of an immunodeficiency disorder or other disease or as the result of the administration of immunosuppressive drugs or radiation. Q3843811 immune system disease
275 DOID:5119 ovarian cyst D010048 Ovarian Cysts General term for CYSTS and cystic diseases of the OVARY. Q147362 ovarian cyst
276 DOID:5199 ureteral obstruction D014517 Ureteral Obstruction Blockage in any part of the URETER causing obstruction of urine flow from the kidney to the URINARY BLADDER. The obstruction may be congenital, acquired, unilateral, bilateral, complete, partial, acute, or chronic. Depending on the degree and duration of the obstruction, clinical features vary greatly such as HYDRONEPHROSIS and obstructive nephropathy. Q18556674 ureteral obstruction
277 DOID:0090008 immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome 1 An immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance, facial dysmorphism and immunoglobulin deficiency of lymphocytes that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the DNMT3B gene on chromosome 20q11.2. C537362 Immunodeficiency syndrome, variable [] Q1869923 immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome 1
280 DOID:0050659 biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease C537658 Basal ganglia disease, biotin-responsive [] Q864845 biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease
281 DOID:0060098 osteoblastoma D018215 Osteoblastoma A benign, painful, tumor of bone characterized by the formation of osteoid tissue, primitive bone and calcified tissue. It occurs frequently in the spine of young persons. (From Dorland, 27th ed; Stedman, 25th ed) Q1807280 osteoblastoma
282 DOID:0080191 PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome A syndrome characterized as a spectrum of disorders (Cowden syndrome, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome, PTEN-related Proteus syndrome, and Proteus-like syndrome) caused by germline mutations of the PTEN gene. D006223 Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple A hereditary disease characterized by multiple ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal nevoid and neoplastic anomalies. Facial trichilemmomas and papillomatous papules of the oral mucosa are the most characteristic lesions. Individuals with this syndrome have a high risk of BREAST CANCER; THYROID CANCER; and ENDOMETRIAL CANCER. This syndrome is associated with mutations in the gene for PTEN PHOSPHATASE. Q3508737 Multiple hamartoma syndrome
283 DOID:0080074 neural tube defect D009436 Neural Tube Defects Congenital malformations of the central nervous system and adjacent structures related to defective neural tube closure during the first trimester of pregnancy generally occurring between days 18-29 of gestation. Ectodermal and mesodermal malformations (mainly involving the skull and vertebrae) may occur as a result of defects of neural tube closure. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1992, Ch55, pp31-41) Q548213 neural tube defect
284 DOID:0050480 epidemic typhus A typhus that has_material_basis_in Rickettsia prowazekii, which is transmitted_by human body louse (Pediculus humanus corporis). The infection has_symptom high fever, has_symptom cough, has_symptom rash, has_symptom severe muscle pain, has_symptom chills, has_symptom falling blood pressure, has_symptom stupor, has_symptom sensitivity to light, and has_symptom delirium. D014438 Typhus, Epidemic Louse-Borne The classic form of typhus, caused by RICKETTSIA PROWAZEKII, which is transmitted from man to man by the louse Pediculus humanus corporis. This disease is characterized by the sudden onset of intense headache, malaise, and generalized myalgia followed by the formation of a macular skin eruption and vascular and neurologic disturbances. Q1290616 epidemic typhus
285 DOID:0060648 corneal opacification and other ocular anomalies A sclerocornea that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the PXDN gene on chromosome 2p25 and is characterized by corneal opacifiaction, cataract, microcornea, microphthalmia, and anterior segment dysgenesis. D003318 Corneal Opacity Disorder occurring in the central or peripheral area of the cornea. The usual degree of transparency becomes relatively opaque. Q3513968 corneal opacification and other ocular anomalies
286 DOID:0060730 torsion dystonia 1 A generalized dystomia characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of dystonia usually presenting initially as focal, typically in the limbs, but often generalizes with age that has_material_basis_in heterozygous mutation in the TOR1A gene on chromosome 9q34. C538005 Dystonia musculorum deformans type 1 [] Q28065536 torsion dystonia 1
287 DOID:0080154 short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency A lipid metabolism disorder that is characterized by deficiency of the enzyme short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase that results in the inability to convert short chain fatty acids. C537596 Short chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency [] Q7501551 Short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency