DiseaseOntology / HumanDiseaseOntology

Repository for the Human Disease Ontology.
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update Aarskog syndrome #856

Closed sbello closed 4 years ago

sbello commented 4 years ago

Currently Aarskog syndrome (DOID:6683) is in as a child of 'syndromic X-linked intellectual disability' and has an X-linked inheritance relationship. This is incorrect as:

  1. Most patients with Aarskog syndrome don't have intellectual disability (the OMIM ID has an included entity for a second syndrome that includes ID and that is why it is on the OMIM list)
  2. There are at 2 OMIM entries for Aarskog-Scott syndrome, 305400 - X-linked and 100050 - autosomal dominant (there is a third entry for an Aarskog-like syndrome with recessive inheritance 227330)
  3. The current DO release has the autosomal dominant OMIM ID as an xref to the X-linked disease (I've changed this to the x-linked one in the edit file already)

I propose we:

  1. Change the label of existing DO term to X-linked Aarskog syndrome
  2. Add a new parent of Aarskog syndrome - this would have the Orphanet term (ORDO:915) as an xref as the Orphanet term covers both OMIM forms
  3. Add a new term 'autosomal dominant Aarskog syndrome' as a child of Aarskog syndromw
  4. Place Aarskog syndrome under syndrome
  5. Remove the relationship to 'syndromic X-linked intellectual disability' for DOID:6683 and update the definition to include the new parent and the gene relationship

@lschriml does this sound okay to you

sbello commented 4 years ago

GARD:4775 - refers to X-linked syndrome UMLS_CUI:C0175701 - refers to X-linked syndrome MEDDRA:10067148 - unclear as to which this is

lschriml commented 4 years ago

Thank you @sbello - Agreed, sounds OK to me !!

Cheers, Lynn

sbello commented 4 years ago

Thanks Lynn. I have the new terms prepped and I'll clean up the xrefs and synonyms after my next ROBOT run.

lschriml commented 4 years ago

Great !!