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Add versionInfo annotation #143

Closed grosscol closed 6 years ago

grosscol commented 6 years ago

Owl's versionInfo annotation property for the ontology and a version IRI for the ontology should be all that is required. Use semantic versioning (https://semver.org/) scheme so we can eschew the other version annotation properties provided by owl (priorVersion, backwardCompatibleWith, incompatibleWith). Providing a version IRI should be in a different issue relating to the publishing workflow.

CooperStansbury commented 6 years ago

@grosscol OWL has a specific annotation property for versioning (owl:versionInfo). Do we need to have versioning information as an IRI 'inside' the ontology as well?

grosscol commented 6 years ago

I believe the version info annotation should be sufficient within the owl file. The ontology IRI doesn't change. Version IRIs just point to specific versions of the owl file that need to be made resolvable, and that is part of the publishing process.

CooperStansbury commented 6 years ago

added with #148