Display-Lab / psdo

Performance Summary Display Ontology
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create new PSDO terms for consecutive positive and negative gaps #193

Open zachll opened 1 year ago

zachll commented 1 year ago
00hchung99 commented 10 months ago

are we changing this to comparisons?

zachll commented 9 months ago

Term name: Consecutive Performance Gap Definition: An information content entity that is an aggregate of performance gaps having the same type in a non-interrupted set of temporal intervals

Thandi227 commented 9 months ago

Proposed Consecutive Performance Gap An information content entity having discrepancies between performance levels over a designated time interval Consecutive Positive Performance Gap Content An information content entity where performance levels are consistently better than established comparators in succession over a designated time interval Consecutive Negative Performance Gap Content An information content entity where performance levels are consistently worse than established comparators in succession over a designated time intervals

Consecutive Positive Performance Gap Element A specific entity that conveys information about an aggregate of performance improving over a designated time interval. Consecutive Negative Performance Gap Element A specific that conveys information about an aggregate of performance worsening over a designated time interval.

00hchung99 commented 4 months ago

Question: do the definitions reflect where the terms should be placed in the ontology? To do: review definitions, put into onto, put into Github (missing for respective message templates)