Display-Lab / psdo

Performance Summary Display Ontology
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Feedback vs Delivery #53

Closed john-rincon closed 6 years ago

john-rincon commented 6 years ago

The audit and feedback communities combination of "audit and feedback" as one concept, and the psych communities more general use of feedback may create difficulties/redundancies. As currently composed, delivery and feedback are near identical

leedahee commented 6 years ago

Susan Michie (2017). The Human Behaviour-Change Project : harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning for evidence synthesis and interpretation "Intervention : defined as a set of types of policies, activities, services or products that are intended to result in a specified outcome in relation to the target behaviour. The intervention is specified in terms of summary descriptors (e.g., ‘brief opportunistic advice from a GP on smoking’) together with detailed descriptions of ‘content’g such as the techniques used (e.g., pharmacological support, verbal persuasion about capability etc.), and ‘delivery’ (e.g., 5 min, single session, verbal, face-to-face, during a routine consultation, by GP, trained with UK National Centre for Smoking Cessation Very Brief Advice online course). "

A composition of intervention, delivery, is a concept referred to a way through which a intervention is conveyed, which means that delivery is not only a type of message (verbal, non-verbal), but also a detailed plan about how to give the message.

A monthly feedback report by a pharmacy department, for example, might be an instance of delivery. But the paper(report itself) cannot be regarded as a delivery.

Hierarchy might be (Intervention > feedback > Delivery) Or, for our application ontology, it might be (intervention = feedback)

CooperStansbury commented 6 years ago

The current ontological thinking is that delivery of feedback is the major purpose of FIO, specifically through performance summary displays. This is a philosophically important question that we will reopen as necessary.