Display-Lab / psdo

Performance Summary Display Ontology
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Performance Summary Display Terms aren't following Aristotelian Form #97

Closed john-rincon closed 6 years ago

john-rincon commented 6 years ago

It seems like none of the definitions for terms in the taxonomy below the "Single Performer Display" follow Aristotelian definitions. For example, it seems we don't just need "Single Time" and "multi-time", but "single-performer single-time display". Likewise, for graphs, we need things like "multi-performer single-time bargraph display". Generally, it seems like we'll need a lot more terms than we currently have to keep each class distinct and with single inheritance.

Resolved when : term definitions for Performance Summary Display taxonomy terms follow a single-inheritance Aristotelian form

CooperStansbury commented 6 years ago

This issue is relevant and will be resolved through the implementation a new terminological workflow primarily using the dictionary.