DisposaBoy / GoSublime

A Golang plugin collection for SublimeText 3, providing code completion and other IDE-like features.
MIT License
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CHANGELOG.md opens in every window every time Sublime starts #702

Open DanielSmedegaardBuus opened 8 years ago

DanielSmedegaardBuus commented 8 years ago

I really love GoSublime, it's awesome.

It is, however, starting to p*\ me off that every time I start Sublime, every window that is restored in Sublime (I currently have seven) gets an extra front-row tab with GoSublime's CHANGELOG.md in it.

Okay, fine, if there are new changes, great to know. But every time I start Sublime? This has to be a bug, right?

Cheers :)

variadico commented 8 years ago

We don't need a new release pushed for every little change.

DisposaBoy commented 8 years ago

@DanielSmedegaardBuus I'm not sure what the bug is supposed to be since you didn't include any details. You seem to imply that the changelog actually has new information which means there is no bug.

DisposaBoy commented 8 years ago

@variadico if it bugs you so much I suggest you either uninstall GoSublime or stop updating so often. If you're automatically updating GoSublime that's even dumber because you're setting yourself up to have your dev environment broken without you knowing.

variadico commented 8 years ago

stop updating so often

How do you do this? I'm not running any update commands. I think the bug @DanielSmedegaardBuus is referring to is that when someone pushes an update to GoSublime, all Sublime Text users get spammed with the GoSublime readme. That's pretty annoying because it slows down opening Sublime Text and it random pops up while I'm working.

DisposaBoy commented 8 years ago


stop updating so often

How do you do this? I'm not running any update commands.

Then it's being automatically updated by Package Control or something else.

I think the bug @DanielSmedegaardBuus is referring to is that when someone pushes an update to GoSublime, all Sublime Text users get spammed with the GoSublime readme.

This sounds like a side-effect of automatic updating which I already said was dumb.

That's pretty annoying because it slows down opening Sublime Text

If opening a single file that's less than 50k slows Sublime Text down, then you should file a bug with Sublime HQ

and it random pops up while I'm working.

Again, that sounds like a side-effect of automatically updating. We've already established that that's dumb... because you're setting yourself to have a broken dev env when whatever does the update causes parts of the plugin to be reloaded and replace incompatible parts.

variadico commented 8 years ago

Ah, just checked Package Control > Settings — Default. Auto-updates are on by default.

// If packages should be automatically upgraded when ST starts
"auto_upgrade": true,

Looks like you don't use Package Control, so you don't run into this issue. But for the 138,000 other dumb users that do use Package Control to install your project, it's annoying. Just reporting.

ryboe commented 8 years ago

One possible solution is to move the main development work to a develop branch, and occasionally merging releases to master. That's what I do for CSS3. It helps keep the update spam to a minimum.

Food for thought.

DisposaBoy commented 8 years ago

@variadico It was my mistake to suggest Package Control as a way to install GoSublime and I will fix that eventually. I still don't understand in what cases it's ever a good idea to automatically update tools you're actively using to get work done.

DisposaBoy commented 8 years ago

@y0ssar1an I don't push in-development stuff to this repo so branching just creates more hassle for no good reason.

k-dahl commented 8 years ago

@DisposaBoy Re: what cases/auto-update, I think it's just that it's the default behavior. I uninstalled GoSublime a few days back because of the updates, didn't even think to look for update configuration options though. Other packages I have installed just don't appear to get the same level of attention as GoSublime does, I guess, as I never really had an issue before this. It does make more sense to me to upgrade the packages at will though, thanks!

mdwhatcott commented 8 years ago

@DisposaBoy - Staying up to date with the things we've chosen to depend on is, in general, a good practice. Using a package manager to manage the things we've decided to depend on is considered, in general, to also be a good practice. I consider having a package manager automatically update the things I've told it I'd like to depend on a convenient combination of two good practices.

If an update breaks my workflow (a rare event), I can revert it and continue on.

DisposaBoy commented 8 years ago


If an update breaks my workflow (a rare event), I can revert it and continue on.

I suspect you haven't seen a breakage because I've gone to great lengths (and pains) to prevent Sublime Text (and Package Control) from reloading the plugin partially and currupting the runtime state... but I can tell you that I reload the plugin manually during development and I've seen plenty of deadlocks that ultimately lead to loss of unsaved changes, especially in Sublime Text 3. This isn't even a GoSublime-specific issue, it applies to all other plugins that have runtime global state. There's a reason the update message tells you that you might need to restart Sublime Text.

magnus-eriksson commented 6 years ago

Two years later and this "issue" is still very much there. Recommending to disable auto-update is not a solution. I've used Sublime Text 2 and 3 for years with a bunch of packages and with auto-update on without having any issues with it. This is the only package that updates almost every single day.

It's good that it's maintained, but working on a dev-branch and do occasional releases is pretty much the norm when it comes to software development (like all other packages does) so I don't see why it should be such a hassle to do this here too. Since no other package have managed to "break my dev env", I don't really see it as an issue.

I would rather argue that not conforming to the rest of the dev-community and then telling people to change the way they handle their dependencies (which works in all other cases) is "dumb".

disposaboy-afk commented 6 years ago

Obligatory: The following opinion is my own and does not reflect the opinion of Kuroku Labs, I'm on mobile, etc...

@magnus-eriksson my stance on the matter has not changed. I still think automatic updates is dumb. If SidebarEnhancements-gate didn't teach you anything, let me ask you: what would happen if I accidentally push an update that freezes Sublime Text. Are you happy with it freezing in the middle of your important work? What if my account got hacked and someone pushed malware? Etc. Etc. Note that there is no sandbox involved. If you automatically update your plugins (not just GoSublime), it literally means that someone else can push executable code onto your computer without you knowing. Maybe that's the world we're in now, but I wouldn't allow even the Tor project or my Linux distro devs to do that so I honestly don't know why anyone thinks it's a good idea.

Anyway... I don't know if you even bothered checking the state of the repo before commenting, but several months ago I updated the PackageControl entry to only track tagged releases and if you look at the releases page https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime/releases you can clearly see that there isn't any updates almost every day. If that's not the case, then file a new issue and we can get it fixed. The development branch is here https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime/tree/development and I didn't knowingly tag anything in there so like I said: file a new issue if you're seeing updates almost everyday.