DistanceDevelopment / Distance

Simple distance sampling analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 8 forks source link

Unexpected error: quitting. Numerical Server. Distance.ModGlobal.GenericRunBrowserItem #183

Open GlennW7 opened 5 days ago

GlennW7 commented 5 days ago

I am unable to run any analysis. When i open up an analysis and click on run I receive the following message: Unexpected error; quitting image

After a minute I receive another error message: " Distance Internal error The following error in Distance Numerical Server. Source:D7NSvr.NServerItem.RunItem Internal Error number: -2146959355. Internal Error description: "Server execution failed".

(Error raised from: Distance.ModGlobal.GenericRunBrowserItem) (Error Source:D7NSvr.NServerItem.RunItem) Error number: -2147211505) " image

I have attempted an uninstall and re-install of Distance. I have restarted and completed a hard reset of the computer. I am still receiving this error which is preventing me from running any analysis.

Regards, Glenn

erex commented 5 days ago

Issue moved to distance-bugs repo