Open erex opened 1 year ago
Modification to code above, slightly prettier, large number of replicates, histogram of results. Same result however, DSsim
results show no bias, dsims
result shows ~13% positive bias.
# simulation with DSsim
nsims <- 1000
eg.region <- make.region()
covariate.list <- list()
covariate.list$size <- list(list("ztruncpois", list(mean = 10)))
pop.desc <- make.population.description(covariates = covariate.list, N=200)
cov.params <- list(size = c(0.10))
detect <- make.detectability(scale.param = 10,
cov.param = cov.params,
truncation = 80)
plot(detect, pop.desc)
my.pop <- generate.population(pop.desc, detect, eg.region)
transects <-
simulation <- make.simulation()
# thelines <- generate.transects(simulation)
size.cov <- make.simulation(reps=nsims, region=eg.region, design=transects,
pop=pop.desc, det=detect,
size.cov.sim <- run(size.cov, run.parallel = TRUE)
# hist(size.cov.sim@results$expected.size[1,1,1:nsims],
# main="Computed average group size\nGroup size covariate",
# xlab="Group size")
# abline(v=unname(covariate.list$size[[1]][[2]][1]), lwd=2, lty=3)
indiv <- size.cov.sim@results$individuals$N[1,1:6,nsims+1] # just the mean
# average over simulations should be unbiased
# same simulation with dsims
detach("package:Distance", unload = TRUE)
detach("package:DSsim", unload = TRUE)
detach("package:extraDistr", unload = TRUE)
# =====================================
eg.region <- make.region()
covariate.list <- list()
covariate.list$size <- list(list(distribution="ztruncpois",
mean = 10))
pop.desc <- make.population.description(region = eg.region,
density = make.density(region=eg.region),
covariates = covariate.list,
cov.params <- list(size = c(0.10))
detect <- make.detectability(scale.param = 10,
cov.param = cov.params,
truncation = 80)
plot(detect, pop.desc)
my.pop <- generate.population(pop.desc, detect, eg.region)
transects <-
simulation <- make.simulation()
detmodel.size <- make.ds.analysis(dfmodel = list(~size),
key = "hn",
criteria = "AIC",
size.cov <- make.simulation(reps=nsims, design=transects,
pop=pop.desc, det=detect,
ds.analysis = detmodel.size)
size.cov.survey <- run.survey(size.cov)
runsim.cov <- run.simulation(size.cov, run.parallel = TRUE)
# hist(runsim.cov@results$expected.size[1,1,1:nsims],
# main="Computed average group size\nGroup size covariate",
# xlab="Group size", xlim=c(8,12))
# abline(v=unname(covariate.list$size[[1]][[2]][1]), lwd=2, lty=3)
indiv <- runsim.cov@results$individuals$N[1,1:6,nsims+1] # just the mean
# average over simulations should be unbiased (but is not)
# histogram of the overlap of the replicate estimates
dssim <- size.cov.sim@results$individuals$N[1,1,1:nsims]
dsims <- runsim.cov@results$individuals$N[1,1,1:nsims]
myblue <- rgb(0, 0, 255, max = 255, alpha = 125, names = "blue50")
myyellow <- rgb(255, 0, 0, max = 255, alpha = 125, names = "yellow50")
lower <- min(c(dssim, dsims), na.rm=TRUE)
upper <- max(c(dssim, dsims), na.rm=TRUE)
nice <- pretty(lower:upper, n=70)
hist(dssim, breaks=nice, col=myyellow,
main="Simulated abundance estimates",
hist(dsims, breaks=nice, add=TRUE, col=myblue)
abline(v=mean(dssim, na.rm=TRUE), lwd=3, lty=3, col="salmon")
abline(v=mean(dsims, na.rm=TRUE), lwd=3, lty=3, col="blue")
@erex This looks to be a truncation distance issue. Although the truncation is set to 80 in both the detectability and the analysis there is no truncation specified in the design and so the default value of 50 is used. There should be a warning when the simulation is created about this warning the user that the design truncation is different to the detectability and analysis - so that needs fixing.
Changing the design truncation to 80 all but eliminates the bias. Also note that changing the analysis truncation to 50 to match the default design truncation reduces the bias to only around 2%.
A further strange example with inconsistent truncation distances. Here even though the available animals are clipped to the covered area... the covered area is the whole area due to the truncation specified in the design being half the spacing. As truncation is not specified in the analyses then detections happen at greater distances than the truncation specified in design and detectability.
outer <- matrix(c(0,0,15,0,15,10,0,10,0,0),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
pol1 <- sf::st_polygon(list(outer))
pol2 <- sf::st_polygon(list(outer + 15))
pol3 <- sf::st_polygon(list(outer + 30))
sfc <- sf::st_sfc(pol1,pol2,pol3)
strata.names <- c("SW", "central", "NE")
mp1 <- sf::st_sf(strata = strata.names, geom = sfc)
region <- make.region( = "study.area", = strata.names,
shape = mp1)
density <- make.density(region = region, = 0.25,
constant = rep(1,3))
covs <- list()
covs$size <- list(list(distribution = "ztruncpois", mean = 25),
list(distribution = "ztruncpois", mean = 12),
list(distribution = "ztruncpois", mean = 3))
popdesc <- make.population.description(region = region,
density = density,
covariates = covs,
N = rep(100,3),
fixed.N = TRUE)
design <-,
spacing = 1,
truncation = 0.5)
detect <- make.detectability(scale.param = 0.5,
truncation = 0.5)
sim <- make.simulation(reps = 10,
design = design,
population.description = popdesc,
detectability = detect)
survey <- run.survey(sim)
plot(survey, region)
Actually truncation argument not being implemented at all!
analyses <- make.ds.analysis(truncation = 0.5)
sim <- make.simulation(reps = 10,
design = design,
population.description = popdesc,
detectability = detect,
ds.analysis = analyses)
survey <- run.survey(sim)
plot(survey, region)
I've been using a simulation in the Intro workshop to demonstrate how adding group size as a covariate can resolve the size bias issue. Formerly I used
, showing the desired effect of group size in the detection function to produce unbiased abundance estimates. Recently I tried to do the same usingdsims
. This simulation produces results with a ~13% bias.Perhaps I am not duplicating the simulation as I think I am. Code provided below using both packages: @LHMarshall