DistanceDevelopment / dsims

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Factor covariates fail to produce results #89

Open erex opened 5 months ago

erex commented 5 months ago

Working from the example code associated with the function make.detectability, I wanted to simulate a study with multiple strata and multiple species within each stratum.

The make.detectability example works, as far as it goes, but I added to the example, a survey design and a simulation to actually simulate a survey.

Minimum reproducable example


# Multi-strata example (make sf shape)
s1 = matrix(c(0,0,0,2,1,2,1,0,0,0),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
s2 = matrix(c(1,0,1,2,2,2,2,0,1,0),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
pol1 = sf::st_polygon(list(s1))
pol2 = sf::st_polygon(list(s2))
sfc <- sf::st_sfc(pol1,pol2)
strata.names <- c("low", "high")

mytrunc <- 0.2
sf.pol <- sf::st_sf(strata = strata.names, geom = sfc)

region <- make.region(region.name = "Multi-strata Eg",
                      strata.name = strata.names,
                      shape = sf.pol)

mydesign <- make.design(region=region, design="systematic", 
                        truncation=mytrunc, samplers = 30)
somelines <- generate.transects(mydesign)
plot(region, somelines, covered.area=TRUE)

density <- make.density(region = region,
                        x.space = 0.22,
                        constant = c(20,50))

covs <- list()
covs$size <- list(list(distribution = "poisson", lambda = 25),
                  list(distribution = "poisson", lambda = 15))
covs$sex <- data.frame(level = rep(c("male", "female"),2),
                       prob = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.4),
                       strata = c(rep("low",2),rep("high",2)))

# Define the population description (this time using the density to determine
# the population size)
popdesc <- make.population.description(region = region,
                                       density = density,
                                       covariates = covs,
                                       fixed.N = FALSE)

cov.param <- list()
cov.param$size <- c(log(1.02),log(1.005))
cov.param$sex <- data.frame(level = c("male", "female", "male", "female"),
                            param = c(log(1.5), 0, log(1.7), log(1.2)),
                            strata = c("low","low","high","high"))

# define the detecability
detect <- make.detectability(key.function = "hn",
                             scale.param = 0.08,
                             cov.param = cov.param,
                             truncation = mytrunc)

plot(detect, popdesc)

myds <- make.ds.analysis(truncation=mytrunc)

simmake <- make.simulation(reps=10, design=mydesign,
seeit <- run.survey(simmake)
plot(seeit, region)
out <- run.simulation(simmake)

No replicate from the simulation produced results, because no animals were detected.

Digging into the code, I discovered the following via debug():

My first stop in debugging was simulate.detections that generated the error messages.


However, the problem did not arise in simulate.detections, but rather in calculate.scale.param


Therefore the solution to the problem of using factor covariates in the detection function lays within the portion of code following this line

erex commented 5 months ago

Debugging session for calculate.scale.param

Using the code in the previous comment, I've recorded the debugging session, isolating the logic problem to lines 67-68

Video of debugging session