Closed erex closed 3 years ago
A package provides an R interface to QGIS, some functions in C++.
The list of available functions >900. I've only tried one function.
remotes::install_github("paleolimbot/qgisprocess") library(qgisprocess) qgis_configure() input <- sf::read_sf(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) result <- qgis_run_algorithm( "native:buffer", INPUT = input, DISTANCE = 1, DISSOLVE = TRUE, .quiet = TRUE ) output_sf <- sf::read_sf(qgis_output(result, "OUTPUT")) plot(sf::st_geometry(output_sf)) plot(sf::st_geometry(input), add=TRUE)
To see the list of available functions
Works on my Windows box (with sufficiently current version of QGIS (3.16.2)), don't know how much faff needed for other OSs
A package provides an R interface to QGIS, some functions in C++.
The list of available functions >900. I've only tried one function.
To see the list of available functions
Works on my Windows box (with sufficiently current version of QGIS (3.16.2)), don't know how much faff needed for other OSs