DistanceDevelopment / spatial-workshops

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Information for DEL website #10

Closed dill closed 9 years ago

dill commented 9 years ago

Need the following information for the page for the course on the DEL website:

See Timberland example for a recent course.

dill commented 9 years ago

bce15ba provides an initial draft of this, for review by @jjrob and @erex. Please free to add/remove content, flesh out sections etc.

dill commented 9 years ago

Other notes:

dill commented 9 years ago

@jjrob would you be able to flesh out anything on https://github.com/DistanceDevelopment/spatial-workshops/blob/master/DEL_webpage_info.md with any additional information regarding MGET?

In particular, can you add:

If it's all okay, I'll then send this off to Allison.

I suggest we fill in the URL blanks with distancesampling.org/dukespatialworkshop2015 and then forward that address to wherever we need when the time comes (I'll put together a placeholder page for now).

jjrob commented 9 years ago


dill commented 9 years ago

Thanks for this @jjrob, I've merged in some other changes, added the URLs for papers and the workshop webpage (for now http://distancesampling.org/workshops/duke-spatial-2015.

I agree, perhaps including R/ArcGIS in the title is a selling point. Is:

Spatial models for distance sampling data using R and ArcGIS

too wordy (any thoughts @erex ?)

I think it's best to keep this out of the programme, otherwise folks will get angry when we don't answer their questions because we ran out of time.

Once we're clear on the course name I'll send this off to Allison.

erex commented 9 years ago

happy with the title; plenty of buzz words; there is no premium on length

dill commented 9 years ago

Okay, resolved and all done in 4dd2b3a9bb31fbec6c10e9a17b396627201b976d