DistributedProofreaders / dproofreaders

Distributed Proofreaders is a web application intended to ease the process of converting public domain books into e-texts.
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Fix oddness in "Pages Done Per Day" graphs #1198

Closed jmdyck closed 1 month ago

jmdyck commented 2 months ago

See the discussion in https://github.com/DistributedProofreaders/dproofreaders/pull/1196#issuecomment-2081583882 + following.

The problems show up when we plot a bar chart and a superimposed line-graph. I think this is just the "Pages Proofread" graphs, where the line-graphs are "21-day SMA" and "Goal". Moreover, it's only noticeable when the bars have an appreciable width, so it's just the "Pages Done Per Day" graphs for the current and previous months.

The problems are:

cpeel commented 2 months ago

Thanks for filing this Michael. I'm most interested in solving the first bullet. The second one would be nice to have but I could see it being more complicated and if we punt it we punt it.

@chrismiceli - this isn't at all urgent but you have the most expertise with the current graphing code.

chrismiceli commented 2 months ago

I will look into this and let you know if I can figure out why there is an offset.

cpeel commented 1 month ago

1200 fixed the line alignment issue.

I'm going to WONTFIX the "SMA should go beyond the days on the graph" because while it would be nice it's not really important in the grand scheme of things and I suspect the issue will just get send into defergatory.