District-Administration-Varanasi / court-judgement

2 stars 2 forks source link

Create a json schema that perfectly captures all the details which are changing in each document and hardcode the rest #5

Open GautamR-Samagra opened 2 months ago

GautamR-Samagra commented 2 months ago
AryanPrakhar commented 2 months ago

{ "courtDetails": { "courtName": "string", "courtLocation": "string", "courtOfficer": "string" }, "caseDetails": { "caseNumber": "string", "year": "integer", "sectionUnder": "string" }, "landDetails": { "moja": "string", "pargana": "string", "tehsil": "string", "district": "string", "landAreaHe": "float", "landAreaSqFt": "float", "landAreaSqMt": "float", "khasraNumber": "string" }, "partyDetails": { "seller": { "name": "string", "address": "string", "isScheduledCaste": "boolean" }, "buyer": { "name": "string", "address": "string", "isScheduledCaste": "boolean", "landOwnershipPostTransaction": "float" } }, "transactionDetails": { "documentNumber": "string", "documentDate": "string", "reportBasis": "string", "registrationNumber": "string", "declarationIssued": "boolean", "objectionStatus": "boolean", "legalProceedingStatus": "boolean" }, "orderDetails": { "orderDate": "string", "orderStatus": "string", "effectiveDate": "string", "complaintDate": "string" }, "legalConditions": { "landUnderSpecificAct": "boolean", "landTransferReportMention": "boolean" }, "annulmentDetails": { "hasAnnulment": "boolean", "annulmentOrderDate": "string", "annulmentEffectiveDate": "string" }, "reinstatementDetails": { "hasReinstatement": "boolean", "reinstatementOrderDate": "string", "reinstatementEffectiveDate": "string" }, "transactionCancellation": { "isCancelled": "boolean", "cancelledDate": "string", "reasonForCancellation": "boolean" }, "evidenceDetails": { "hasOriginalDocument": "boolean", "cadastralSurveyNumber": "string", "affidavitAsPer": "boolean" }, "legalReferences": { "specificLawsCited": ["string"] }, "detailedOutcome": { "ownershipTransfers": [{ "from": "string", "to": "string", "share": "float", "landDescription": "string" }], "orderCancellationDetails": { "cancelledOrders": [{ "orderNumber": "string", "cancelDate": "string" }] } }, "documentReferences": { "saleDeed": "string", "affidavit": "string", "additionalDocuments": ["string"] }, "landSurveyDetails": { "surveyNumber": "string", "plotNumber": "string" }, "registrationDetails": { "registrationOffice": "string", "fileNumber": "string" } }

ChakshuGautam commented 2 months ago

@AryanPrakhar can you format this and share as a json snippet. Thanks.

AryanPrakhar commented 1 month ago

12 PR would conclude this issue. It contains the schema for frozen details and example schema. The common and unique schema have been completed.