DivinElegy / GrooveNights

ITG Theme
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[Priority 1/2] Judgment Bar display issues in 2P Mode #39

Open DivineJayce opened 10 years ago

DivineJayce commented 10 years ago

As seen here: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/10152530_10203741821366210_1875685091_n.jpg

There are sometimes instances where the bars for the judgment will appear for one player but not the other, this system will likely need a bit of rework.

Another issue that occurs in both 1P and 2P mode is to do with the bars for Holds, Jumps, Rolls and Hands.

The bar either displays 100% full if you hit everything you were supposed to, but if for example you only get 9 out of 10 hands in a chart the bar will be completely empty rather than showing 90%.