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The Divinum Officium Project: Traditional Roman Missal and Breviary Texts
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Missing "qui" in capitulum at monastic Matins? #3978

Closed fiapps closed 1 month ago

fiapps commented 1 month ago

A user reported the following alleged error to me. I think he's right, but since I'm not familiar with the monastic office, I'd like someone competent, like @FAJ-Munich, to confirm and fix this.

In the capitulum at the conclusion of the second nocturn of Matins in the ferial Monastic office, the versicle reads "Beáti hábitant in domo tua, Dómine." instead of the expected "Beáti, qui hábitant in domo tua, Dómine." My correspondent sent a photo of a 1962 breviary containing the text he expects, and says it's the same in pre-1962 breviaries.

The text in question is on line 688 of Matutinum Special.txt.