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Trid/DA: Matins Versicles infra 8vam Ascensionis #3995

Closed FAJ-Munich closed 4 weeks ago

FAJ-Munich commented 4 weeks ago

Even infra 8vam Ascensionis, Paschal Ferial Versicles are substituted in after Nocturns. For Tridentine, it also looks wrong throughout Paschal Tide as even Semiduplex receive Psalms and Antiphones etc. from Commune.

Since the Rubrics in the Psalterium and for the Octave of the Ascension seem to be somehow in contradiction (Breviarum Romanum 1942; I guess universally for DA), could someone (maybe @MRoth1910 ) check, for instance, Matins of

if not the Versicles should be of the Ascension rather than Ferial Paschal tide. (DA version) Curiosly, for Rubrics 1960, which does not have the Octave anymore, the Versicle is of the Ascension.

MRoth1910 commented 4 weeks ago

I believe that the versicles are also as in the rest of Paschal Time because Stercky clearly says that the psalms are said under one antiphon but that the psalms on any days within the octave are under three, as on the feast. I can phone a friend though if I get a picture or text of the rubrics in conflict to be sure.

FAJ-Munich commented 3 weeks ago

Well, I guess it's correct than as it is on DO now. After the Ascension (p.613 f., 1942, pars verna) reads:

Infra Octavam et in die Octava Officium fit ut in Festo, præter Lectiones, quæ pro singulis diebus assigantur propriæ. Si infra Octavam aut Feria VI subsequteni celebretur Officium, quod Lectiones I Nocturni sumat de sriptura occurerrenti, hæ dicuntur cum Responsoriis de Ascensione, ut infra.

The special rubrics at Dominica in Albis and Feria II particularly refer only to the time up to Nonam in Vigilia Ascensionis. However, in the Psalterium (p.82, ibid.) you find:

Sub una tantum Antiphona Allelúja, in hac et aliis Feriis, dicuntur tres Psalmi in unoquoque Nocturno a feria II post Dominicam in Albis usque ad Feriam VI post Octavam Ascensionis, si Festum de Sanctis novem Lectionum celebretur; ...

At the end of the Nocturns, then is printed the Antiphone and Versicle "In Festis novem Lectionum" which is given particularly for Tempore Paschali without indicating a deviation for the Octave of the Ascension. I guess there would be a rubric specifying a change for Ascensiontide if there was one. Let's call it case closed.