This corrects some typos reported to me by a French-speaking user. The only change that might be controversial is making a verb in the Te Deum translation plural because there's a compound subject. I include his report below the horizontal rule.
Lectio 1 de Daniéle Prophéta. Remove hyphens
14. des-sein dessein
dres-sée dressée
15. d’Instru-ments d’instruments (no capital lettre I, no hyphen)
que j’ai faite…. que j’ai faite.
déli-vrera délivrera
Lectio 2 Dan 3:16-19
16. n’a-vons n’avons
19. chan-gé changé
chauf-fer chauffer
Lectio 2 Dan 3:21-24
22. four-naise fournaise
23. Misse Missac
Te Deum - In the following passage (after Sanctus), there are three successive subjects to the verb célébrer. It should therefore be conjugated at the third person plural (present indicative), not singular, as is the case here. The correction conforms with other translations of the Te Deum:
Le chœur glorieux des Apôtres,
La phalange vénérable des Prophètes,
L’armée des Martyrs éclatante de blancheur célèbre Vos louanges.
célèbrent Vos louanges
This corrects some typos reported to me by a French-speaking user. The only change that might be controversial is making a verb in the Te Deum translation plural because there's a compound subject. I include his report below the horizontal rule.
Te Deum - In the following passage (after Sanctus), there are three successive subjects to the verb célébrer. It should therefore be conjugated at the third person plural (present indicative), not singular, as is the case here. The correction conforms with other translations of the Te Deum: