Djaenk / zyBooks-Activity-Completer

Python 3 script which automatically completes assigments on the zyBooks platform.
MIT License
16 stars 14 forks source link

Work Fantastically, Now it won't let me get past login #20

Open samgusick opened 2 years ago

samgusick commented 2 years ago

The program has worked well in the past, unfortunately now no matter where I run this (git bash, terminal, etc.) an error prints saying "Headless Firefox browser closed" when I press enter after typing my email.

ptrtgr commented 2 years ago

I also couldn't get this program to work. I think it has to do with Zybooks updating their interface, idk. Here's the approach I took after not finding any working autocompleters on the internet:

GBCam commented 1 year ago

I also couldn't get this program to work. I think it has to do with Zybooks updating their interface, idk. Here's the approach I took after not finding any working autocompleters on the internet:

Wiped off the Face of the planet, guessing your solution doesn't work anymore?