Dkendal / nvim-treeclimber

Neovim structured editing plugin
Apache License 2.0
163 stars 3 forks source link

the installation instructions arent clear #4

Closed DonjiKong closed 1 year ago

DonjiKong commented 1 year ago

where do I add all of this?

here is my file structure:

  | .git/                                                                         
  | after/                                                                        
  | | ftplugin/                                                                   
  | | | netrw.lua                                                                 
  | | plugin/                                                                     
  | | | fugitive.lua                                                              
  | | | harpoon.lua                                                               
  | | | lightline.lua                                                             
  | | | lsp.lua                                                                   
  | | | telescope.lua                                                             
  | | | treesitter.lua                                                            
  | | | undotree.lua                                                              
  | | | winbar.lua.bak                                                            
  | lua/                                                                          
  | | donjikong/                                                                  
  | | | init.lua                                                                  
  | | | packer.lua                                                                
  | | | python.lua                                                                
  | | | remap.lua                                                                 
  | | | set.lua                                                                   
  | | |                                                                   
  | | | win.lua                                                                   
  | plugin/                                                                       
  | | packer_compiled.lua                                                         
  | init.lua 

do I not put it in my packer.lua?

DonjiKong commented 1 year ago

can i use use 'DylanKendal/nvim-treeclimber' in my packer file? if so, you should update the readme to make this clear

Dkendal commented 1 year ago

I can update the instructions, my apologies if it isn't clear but yes - you can use whatever package manager you like. If you want to use packer you should be able to just packer as normal: use "Dkendal/nvim-treeclimber"

Dkendal commented 1 year ago

The readme has been updated.