This plugin uses [[PHImageManager defaultManager] requestImageDataForAsset:...] in imageToSandbox method. However this function only works for images that reside on the phones memory or that were recently fetched from iCloud by your app on any other one and if there is no connectivity this method returns nil for the image which causes the problem.
The plugin simply returns an error which is null and no other details.
For example, the camera plugin, when such a photo (which needs to be downloaded from iCloud) is selected by the user shows the below error dialog and prevents from selecting it
This plugin uses [[PHImageManager defaultManager] requestImageDataForAsset:...] in imageToSandbox method. However this function only works for images that reside on the phones memory or that were recently fetched from iCloud by your app on any other one and if there is no connectivity this method returns nil for the image which causes the problem.
The plugin simply returns an error which is null and no other details.
For example, the camera plugin, when such a photo (which needs to be downloaded from iCloud) is selected by the user shows the below error dialog and prevents from selecting it
Is it possible to implement similar behaviour?