DmitryBaranovskiy / raphael

JavaScript Vector Library
MIT License
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Jquery template compatibility issue #475

Open skipstorm opened 12 years ago

skipstorm commented 12 years ago

i guess this is not a raphaeljs bug nor a jquery template one but hope someone could give me a hand

i'm using knockout and jquery template to create a raphael paper with some Element.text() label inside

maybe because jquery template creates the element before it is attached to the dom, text is gets the wrong position, about double on the y axis

for example, on a paper 200x200 i try to place a text element at 100x80, debuging i see the attrs are set correctly but the actual position is 100x160

this problem affects only text elements on webkit browsers and ie9 on firefox 3.6 there's only a couple of pixels of difference from what should be the actual position, on chrome 15.0 is a mess

any possible solution?

skipstorm commented 12 years ago

is the dy of the tspan inside the text tag as it takes the text.y value instead of something else it appears the text has double the y position

is there a solution?