DmitryEfimenko / TwitterBootstrapMvc

Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap.
Apache License 2.0
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Consider adding R# Annotations #262

Closed taspeotis closed 10 years ago

taspeotis commented 10 years ago

Can I ask that some thought be given to annotating methods with R#'s MVC annotations?

This way, when I write something like this:

Html.Bootstrap().ActionLinkButton("Account Recovery", "Index", "AccountRecovery")

R# will be providing me with IntelliSense when I start typing "Index" and "AccountRecovery", as well as offering a better refactoring experience.

DmitryEfimenko commented 10 years ago

Well, For one, I'm not sure I'd want to add another dependency to the project. Second, this particular issue is easily resolved by using T4MVC. BMVC fully supports it.

taspeotis commented 10 years ago

I'll look at T4MVC. Thanks.