DmitryEfimenko / TwitterBootstrapMvc

Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap.
Apache License 2.0
224 stars 79 forks source link

License Questions #431

Closed jeffmeeks closed 7 years ago

jeffmeeks commented 7 years ago

Sorry to create an issue for this I did not see another way to contact you. We have been using TwitterBootstrap for some time and any new projects we create will use Bootstrap v3. I need to gather some information about what the 199.99 buys a company? How long is it good for? Is it recurring?


DmitryEfimenko commented 7 years ago

The quick answer is: that it's a one time fee good forever for that version of Bootstrap for any amount of developers employed by the company. The license can only be used on the projects owned by the company. Please see TOS and let me know if you still have questions after that.