DmitryEfimenko / TwitterBootstrapMvc

Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap.
Apache License 2.0
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Html.Bootstrap().Link is defaulting its style to Default instead of None #450

Open johnwc opened 7 years ago

johnwc commented 7 years ago

@Html.Bootstrap().Link("Test", "Test") This produces <a class="btn-default">Test</a>, expected to produce <a>Test</a> with no class.

DmitryEfimenko commented 7 years ago

This is a Bootstrap library, which is why when using its helpers it applies Bootstrap specific classes to elements. The whole purpose of it is to use default Bootstrap specific html when using MVC helpers. Please use regular Html helpers in other situations.

johnwc commented 7 years ago

No where does bootstrap say that a link defaults to a button, it's a option to enable it as such if you choose.

This was never the case prior to updating to the latest version of your library. All my links now look horrible and I am being forced to go through every single page to add the style as none. Why did it get changed from none to button?

johnwc commented 7 years ago

Also, I need to use your framework to add other bootstrap items to this, like Prepending a icon and setting a Tooltip. Those options aren't available to the "regular" Html helpers.