DmitryNizhebovsky / Avalonia.RangeSlider

RangeSlider for AvaloniaUI
MIT License
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Fail to include style #12

Open moonmoondog opened 11 months ago

moonmoondog commented 11 months ago

Following the Readme file, I failed the first step to add < rangeSlider:RangeSliderStyle /> into the </Application.Styles> . That is not recognized as a valid style axaml style file. Tried to put < StyleInclude Source="rangeSlider:RangeSliderStyle" />, but that failed to complie as well. What is the work around?

DmitryNizhebovsky commented 11 months ago

What version of AvaloniaUI are you using?

moonmoondog commented 11 months ago

What version of AvaloniaUI are you using?


DmitryNizhebovsky commented 11 months ago

What version of AvaloniaUI are you using?


sorry, but this control is not yet adapted to this version. I will try to add fixes soon

moonmoondog commented 11 months ago

What version of AvaloniaUI are you using?


sorry, but this control is not yet adapted to this version. I will try to add fixes soon

Much appreciated!

marklam commented 11 months ago

Some links that may be useful: OnionWare's updates for an Avalonia 11 preview:

Some additional changes I made for the released Avalonia 11

Or just the code changes without the tab/space conversions in

I think there's been some changes to the recommended way to do styling in Avalonia 11 with ControlThemes but I'm not too familiar with all that so I didn't attempt to change anything there.

DmitryNizhebovsky commented 11 months ago

Hi, thanks for the work you've done. But I've also found some other problems, like with Flyouts, and would like to fix them first. I'm a bit delayed by my main job, but I'll try to update the code for Avalonia 11 compatibility within a week

marklam commented 11 months ago

Hi, thanks for the work you've done.

You're welcome, it's a very useful control and not one that I'd try to write myself. (I also don't want to take credit for the first batch of fixes that @onionware-github did).

But I've also found some other problems, like with Flyouts

If it's the problem where the flyouts swallowed the mouse down for the slider, I tried changing from flyout to tooltip here / here but I wasn't sure if that was the right workaround.

I'm a bit delayed by my main job

Of course! Thanks for taking the time to look at updating it.

DmitryNizhebovsky commented 11 months ago

I've merged the edits to support AvaloniaUI 11.0.0

I've disabled Flyouts for the moment, but I'll try to fix the problem with them.