DmitryUlyanov / texture_nets

Code for "Texture Networks: Feed-forward Synthesis of Textures and Stylized Images" paper.
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Encounter error when trying to use ResNet-50 to replace VGG-19 as the loss network #67

Open michaelhuang74 opened 7 years ago

michaelhuang74 commented 7 years ago

I tried to replace the VGG-19 with ReSNet-50 for the loss network used in the training. I downloaded the prototxt and caffemodel files from, which is given on

Then I tried to launch the training as following: th train.lua -style_image style/face_bottle_o.png -style_size 512 -image_size 256 -style_layers res2b_relu,res3b_relu,res4b_relu,res5b_relu -content_layers res4b_relu -style_weight 20 -content_weight 1 -proto_file data/pretrained/ResNet-50-deploy.prototxt -model_file data/pretrained/ResNet-50-model.caffemodel -checkpoints_path checkpoint/ -checkpoints_name face_bottle_o.s512i256.sL2b3b4b5b.cL4b.sw20.cw1.ResNet50.4x -num_iterations 10000 -batch_size 4 -save_every 2000

I encountered the following errors. torch.display not found. unable to plot Using TV loss with weight 1e-06 [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 26:26: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "batch_norm_param". Successfully loaded data/pretrained/ResNet-50-model.caffemodel warning: module 'bn_conv1 [type BatchNorm]' not found warning: module 'scale_conv1 [type Scale]' not found warning: module 'pool1_pool1_0_split [type Split]' not found warning: module 'bn2a_branch1 [type BatchNorm]' not found warning: module 'scale2a_branch1 [type Scale]' not found warning: module 'bn2a_branch2a [type BatchNorm]' not found warning: module 'scale2a_branch2a [type Scale]' not found ..........(similar warning messages) warning: module 'bn5c_branch2b [type BatchNorm]' not found warning: module 'scale5c_branch2b [type Scale]' not found warning: module 'bn5c_branch2c [type BatchNorm]' not found warning: module 'scale5c_branch2c [type Scale]' not found warning: module 'res5c [type Eltwise]' not found conv1: 64 3 7 7 res2a_branch1: 256 64 1 1 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Any idea how to resolve this issue? Thanks.

DmitryUlyanov commented 7 years ago

Hello, I've never tried to use resnet and have no clue for this segfault...

Vladkryvoruchko commented 7 years ago

Hello @michaelhuang74 . There was title changes in layers and it's attributes names. I have faced similar problem soon. Shortly: try changing in prototxt 'batch_norm_param' to 'bn_param'

There can be more than 1 name error