DmitryUlyanov / texture_nets

Code for "Texture Networks: Feed-forward Synthesis of Textures and Stylized Images" paper.
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Generate smooth sky from an original image with unsmooth sky #75

Open michaelhuang74 opened 7 years ago

michaelhuang74 commented 7 years ago

I have an original image shown as follows. Due to the moon, the lower half of the sky is brighter than the upper half. The part of the sky around the moon is particularly bright.


When I use the "Times" filter in the Vinci app, the output shows an uneven sky as follows, which reflects the unsmooth sky in the original image. shanghai_moon_times

However, when I use a different filter, i.e., "Harvest" filter, the output shows an amazing smooth sky as follows. shanghai_moon_harvest

I also tried to use texture_nets to stylize the original image using different style images, the output always had the uneven sky like the one with the "Times" filter. I have tried to use different combinations of layers for styles and contents, changed the style sizes and image sizes, no luck so far.

Any one has idea how to generate a smooth sky like the one produced by the "Harvest" filter? Thanks.

DmitryUlyanov commented 7 years ago

Hi, did you try eval for instance norm?

michaelhuang74 commented 7 years ago


Thanks for the response! Could you provide more details? When you say "try eval for instance norm", what do you exactly mean? Many thanks.

DmitryUlyanov commented 7 years ago

One possibility is to modify eval function such that batchnorm is set to eval mode.

For a dirty try just add in

Using this eval mode you can get more flat images, as far as I know Vinci uses it for some of their filters.

michaelhuang74 commented 7 years ago


Thanks a lot for the quick response. I will give it a try.

michaelhuang74 commented 7 years ago


I added to Line 48 in the InstanceNormalization.lua file. Then I used the following image as the style image. face_bottle_o

Followings are the parameters for training: -style_size 600 -image_size 512 -style_weights 10 -content_weights 1 -num_iterations 10000 -batch_size 4 -save_every 1000 -model johnson -style_layers relu1_2,relu2_2,relu3_2,relu4_2 -content_layers relu4_2 -learning_rate 1e-3 The stylized output is as follows. shanghai_moon_filter face_bottle_o s600c512 lre-3 sw10 cw1 vgg19 4x10000 0

Do you have suggestions for (1) getting rid of the white strips on the sky, (2) making it colorful? Thanks.

DmitryUlyanov commented 7 years ago

Hi, being a hack it does not work for every style image, but helps sometimes.