DmitryZakharov / homeBudgetWeb

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show balance statistics in a table $5 #45

Open codingmaster opened 11 years ago

codingmaster commented 11 years ago

1) balance per account 2) balance per period of time (current month, last month, current week, last week, calendar day) 3) balance per category

DmitryZakharov commented 11 years ago

1) for account calculate the balance right away. Include it into the table of accounts: INCOME; OUTCOME fields

For balance for a period of time use transactions page and display it under the table transactions. Make selections from a drop down menu. 2) use url parameters to select what kind of balance period, like so :

http://localhost:8090/HomeBudgetWeb/accounts/{name}/transactions/?period=current_month http://localhost:8090/HomeBudgetWeb/accounts/{name}/transactions/?period=last_month etc...

list of transactions is updated accordingly. Meaning, if one selects transactions from current month, only those transactions are displayed.