Dmytro-Shulha / obsidian-plotly

Obsidian plugin to embed Plotly charts into markdown notes.
MIT License
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How to draw gantt chart? #5

Closed vosandr closed 11 months ago

vosandr commented 2 years ago

I need to add this codeblocks

Dmytro-Shulha commented 2 years ago

Hello! Link that you have attached is python implementation while my plugin provide only javascript support. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to find JS example of Gantt plot on plotly site, I assume this plot is a new one.

Python example of Gantt uses this px.timeline function or something, that i haven't managed to find any equivalent in JS codebase.

I will look into how this can be implemented within current plotly.js version, but as far as I can see, this kind of plot is not supported yet.

I will post an update when find suitable solution for this. (If you find a solution faster than me - please post it here, any help will be appreciad)

As an alternative, I may suggest mermaid Gantt chart, which is supported by Obsidian as one of the core features. Not as powerful as plotly for sure, but still may be useful.

Dmytro-Shulha commented 2 years ago

Regarding d3 installation, it would not help to make your example work. But if you need it for other purposes, just download *.min.js file from official site, place it somewhere inside your Obsidian vault and put a path to it inside dataviewjs block (plugin provides a command for pasting such example). There are various gantt implementations, that are based on d3, not require plotly and may be copied into dataviewjs block.

But I absolutely not sure if copy-pasting them would even work without fine-tuning and additional changes.

vosandr commented 2 years ago

I am still a beginner but I liked this solution How to install this? d3 I want to copy to .plugins/plotly folder, is it possible?

vosandr commented 2 years ago

I want doing plugin, which the export notes by search results. How difficult is it to do?

Dmytro-Shulha commented 2 years ago

I want doing plugin, which the export notes by search results. How difficult is it to do?

Unfortunately, I have no idea (it needs further investigation), and this one, as far as I can see, is definitely unrelated to initial topic of this issue (gantt chart). I suggest to ask this question on Discord official server or on forum, see links here.