Whenever we obtain the new treaties (from RCL) with Deposits we need to understand whether they are Capital market risk exposed or not. If "Yes" then we need to add the new subblock to this file (or the new one) _"R:\LH-CA\Solvency II\01 Pillar III reporting\2021 Q2\List FWH exposed to capital market risk2021 Q2.xlsx" or to let DFA know that there is a new Capital market exposed deal.
Whenever we obtain the new treaties (from RCL) with Deposits we need to understand whether they are Capital market risk exposed or not. If "Yes" then we need to add the new subblock to this file (or the new one) _"R:\LH-CA\Solvency II\01 Pillar III reporting\2021 Q2\List FWH exposed to capital market risk2021 Q2.xlsx" or to let DFA know that there is a new Capital market exposed deal.