Dn-Programming-Core-Management / Dn-FamiTracker

modifications and improvements for 0CC-FamiTracker (based on j0CC-FamiTracker 0.6.3)
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Unable to export certain files to .nsf #191

Open etoubleh opened 1 year ago

etoubleh commented 1 year ago

TANK.0cc Sore yuke! Majo Ranger (Alternate ver).ftm Both of these come from w7n's Famicompo Pico 3 entries. When I try to export these files as an NSF, NSFe, or NSF2, I get a message that says Error: Instrument data overflow, can't export file! I'm not sure whether this is an issue with the files, or an issue with Dn-FamiTracker, but since these were both Famicompo Pico 3 entries, that means they were able to be exported as NSFs at some point in some older version of FamiTracker with no issues.

If having the NSF files that were used for them in Famicompo Pico 3 would be any help, you can find them here. They are entries 58 and 116, respectively.

TakuikaNinja commented 1 year ago

These use multiple expansion chips. There is no guarantee that the NSF would play back correctly in the first place due to address conflicts. That aside, exporting an NSF from those files seems to work in It's likely that some driver change messed things up.

Gumball2415 commented 4 months ago

it's likely that the driver changes has caused the size of the driver to be slightly bigger by over a few hundred bytes.

since the driver and instrument data has to fit within the same virtual bank allocation, this means that instrument data that used to barely fit in older versions might no longer fit into the current NSF driver version anymore.