DoD-Platform-One / template

Big Bang template for configuring customer's deployment environments
Apache License 2.0
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Typo and Error in README #8

Open p1-repo-sync-bot[bot] opened 9 months ago

p1-repo-sync-bot[bot] commented 9 months ago



Under the Git Repository section, inside the first code block, there is the following line:

cp -r package-stategy/ dev

There is an r missing in strategy. The line should be changed to :

cp -r package-strategy/ dev

Incorrect sed


Additionally, it looks like there's an error in the final section of that same codeblock:

cp -r umbrella-strategy/ prod
# update path - switch to gsed on MacOS
sed -i 's/package-strategy/prod/g' prod/bigbang.yaml

In this example, we're copying umbrella-strategy to prod, but then we replace the word package-strategy with prod in the prod/bigbang.yaml file, which doesn't have any effect. We would either have to change the cp command to copy the package-strategy, or change the sed command to change umbrella-strategy