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Enterprise APIs for Data Sharing (EADS)
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Should we require camelCase notation for API attributes? #58

Closed treyau21 closed 7 years ago

treyau21 commented 7 years ago

Opening up discussion for this.... I don't think we are currently prescriptive of this in the handbook to my knowledge.

treyau21 commented 7 years ago

Perhaps we could add a "SHOULD" clause in the handbook for camelCase notation of the resource attributes..... I think some of the plays that use a tool reading directly from the DB (ala SlashDB) would heavily depend on the tool on whether this is practical or not.

If we add this guidance to representations (resource attributes), should we not also think of how we'd want to standardize route names. My initial instinct is snake_case just because I think it seeeeeems like that's the more common, but I'd like to think about it more and look and see what others are typically doing.

Either way, I think establishing a standard is a good idea.

killerbgt commented 7 years ago

Agree on SHOULD rather than MUST for camelCase attributes. I would says routes (URLs) should stay snake_case due to case sensitivity of some browsers/web servers.