DoESLiverpool / Tosca

Machinekit-powered polargraph drawing robot
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Write instructions for new H-bridge direct voltage control system #53

Open goatchurchprime opened 7 years ago

goatchurchprime commented 7 years ago

Servo motor drivers stripped out and Quadrature encoders wired directly into beaglebone, which has a new circuit board on it.

Machinekit and G-codes no longer the way forward.

This enables experimental feedback loops to be made, and a direct web interface systems.

goatchurchprime commented 7 years ago

First you need to log on to the tosca machine. This requires the IPnumber.

Make sure the ehternet cable is properly in and the green led is flickering

Look for an open SSH port by doing: nmap -p22 and try logging on to several until you get to machinekit

Alternatively, using scanning for the MAC address 84:eb:18:e3:61:f4 sudo arp-scan | grep 84:eb

Log on using:

ssh machinekit@ password: machinekit

goatchurchprime commented 7 years ago

The IDE we are developing in can be reached at:

The code we have is in /var/lib/cloud9

First thing you need to do is enable the 2 equp readers (must be su):

echo bone_eqep0 > /sys/devices/bonecapemgr/slots echo bone_eqep1 > /sys/devices/bonecapemgr/slots

Then you can run the script that serves the position and controls the motors


serving on ... [50,50]..

Now you can go to the webpage that connects to this script and controls the motors

This file is in /var/lib/cloud9/static (can be edited through the IDE)

Now it is safe to turn on the power to the motors (right hand socket). The script will close down and disarm the power if it runs off by more than 2 revoltions

goatchurchprime commented 7 years ago

Code for the polar plot (server and webpage) is here:

goatchurchprime commented 7 years ago

Current instructions:

1) Turn on the left switch at the mains (the BB only)

2) Find the ip-number: sudo arp-scan | grep 84:eb ssh machinekit@ password: machinekit

3) Go to and using the shell command line window go to the directory: /var/lib/cloud9/bbhquad/polarcode

and execute the two lines to enable the eqeps: echo bone_eqep0 > /sys/devices/bonecapemgr/slots echo bone_eqep1 > /sys/devices/bonecapemgr/slots

4) Run the webserver system: /usr/local/opt/python-3.4.5/bin/python3.4

5) go to With the websocket connected, see how you can drag the yellow disk and have the red disk follow it

DefProc commented 7 years ago

@goatchurchprime Seeing as you're talking feedback loops on stepper motors, have you seen: Mechaduino yet?