DoESLiverpool / somewhere-safe

A place to hold things we want to keep safe, but aren't big enough to warrant their own repository
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Marketing Collateral #1

Open DoESsean opened 5 years ago

DoESsean commented 5 years ago

This is by no means exhaustive, but it's a start.

Links go to the DoES Dropbox, so they might not be accessible to everyone. If that's an issue for anyone, let me know. Poster_Flyer Collateral.docx

seanspotatobusiness commented 5 years ago

Thanks. It would be great it people could take photos of their finished or in-progress projects in-situ in the machines and link to them here/get them in the afforementioned DoES Dropbox. Alternatively, if you see someone using a machine/resource, maybe ask if you can take a picture of their work on the machine.

DoESsean commented 5 years ago

I think (and I'm willing to be told I'm wrong!) that anyone can add their photos here as it's not locked down, so would just need a github login.

I think there has recently been some discussion about moving away from Dropbox and having a more open file sharing option, not least because the DoES Dropbox is bloody massive and basically just about uses up everyone's free storage.

amcewen commented 5 years ago

For photos of people's projects, the #weeknotes blog posts are be a good source (if anyone wants to look through it for things, I'm not trying to discourage people from sharing things here too :-D)

I think anyone can post photos into comments here, but if we want to collect more in the somewhere-safe repository's Promo folder (and I think that's an excellent idea!) then you'd need to be a member of the @DoESLiverpool organisation. That should cover everyone likely to post anything, but it's a manual process to get added, and only happens if someone notices and adds you, or you follow the process to ask to be added (and so I've only just invited @seanspotatobusiness to join :-D)

ajlennon commented 5 years ago

What is the copyright situation with peoples' posts to social media?

[Edit: i.e. Can DoES use them for marketing or should we obtain permission first?]

amcewen commented 5 years ago

IANAL but I presume people explicitly sharing a photo of their own in a place that an organisation has set up to use for marketing would find it hard to explain later how they didn't want it used for that.

For photos that people have taken that we'd like to use but they haven't explicitly shared for that, we should ask them. (That's our/my usual practice)

ajlennon commented 5 years ago

This is interesting

ajlennon commented 5 years ago

One on Instagram. I agree with your thinking process @amcewen but it seems a bit of a minefield

seanspotatobusiness commented 5 years ago

Maybe I'm being too picky but I didn't find many suitable pictures (I found and saved a couple) after an hour or so going through the old blog posts. It needs to be clear what is in the picture without text explaining that particular project and it needs to be something that could inspire others to realise what they could do with the equipment at DoES.

DoESsean commented 5 years ago

Instagram is possibly a good shout for project pictures - @jackie1050 has been really good lately about taking photos at Maker Night/Day of what people have been doing.

DoESsean commented 5 years ago

Maker Event pictures

Will Cabinet Bandsaw Jessica Lettering Liver Stencils Sculpture Watering Can