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Coding standards for z-indexing #140

Open DFurnes opened 10 years ago

DFurnes commented 10 years ago

Mr. Watson suggested using increments of 100 to separate feature "layers", so we have some room to fiddle with things in between. We should revisit that at some arbitrary date in the future because it seems like a smart idea. :apple:

mmwtsn commented 10 years ago

Mr. Watson Coyier!

weerd commented 10 years ago


DFurnes commented 9 years ago

Some good thinking on this –

weerd commented 9 years ago

Nice find!

mmwtsn commented 9 years ago

That's really clever.



weerd commented 9 years ago

Lol. Is there a submarine emoji so you can do -100? Fish emoji could also apply? Giant squid === -10000, haha

DFurnes commented 9 years ago

Oh my god. That is the future.