Dobby233Liu / MEMZPayloads

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Building #1

Closed FlappyDude2003 closed 5 years ago

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

Hey man, can i now build those .c files?

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

figured out yesterday: should use i686 arch of mingw and mklink -H <pythondir>\python2.exe <pythondir>\python.exe then pull the new version, use command on cmd:

make -C <the path of Makefile.Win32> clean
make -C <the path of Makefile.Win32>
FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

so type that mklink into cmd and reinstall mingw with win32 threads and i686 arch?

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

more errors: C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin>make -C "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\MEMZPayloads-master" clean File not found - .c File not found - .h make: Entering directory C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuWin32/bin/MEMZPayloads-master' rm -r Build process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, rm -r Build, ...) failed. make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified. make: *** [clean] Error 2 make: Leaving directoryC:/Program Files (x86)/GnuWin32/bin/MEMZPayloads-master'

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

so did u update the makefiles? fixes clean target

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

how do i do that? because i changed that in the file and still get the same error.

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

if you're using git to clone the repo then git pull if you download by zip redownload one and unzip and replace all file in your local workspace if you did a full update already, then did you use the customized makefile? this case is strange, i can run the makefile and straight to the exe build stage (but i cant go through it because i install a wrong ver of mingw)

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

i got the updated version. how do i use the updated make file and not the other two?

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago It's Makefile.Win32

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

so i type “make -C \Makefile.Win32”?

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

is there any other way we can contact each other? like some kind of DM or skype instead of using comments?

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago


Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

i dont have these stuff

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

and type make -C Makefile.Win32 clean && make -C Makefile.Win32

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

I get this error: C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin>make -C Makefile.Win32 clean && make -C Makefile.Win32 make: *** Makefile.Win32: Invalid argument. Stop.

Can you just do this on your computer and send me the executables in a zip?

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

sorry, no bin for various reasons.

make -C Makefile.Win32 clean
make -C Makefile.Win32
FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

Error: C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin>make -C Makefile.Win32 make: *** Makefile.Win32: Invalid argument. Stop.

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

So it turns out i had to replace the forward slashes in the makefile and use make -f and not make -C But i still get an error: mkdir Build mkdir Build\Bin python2 Data\ Build\Data.c Build\Data.h echo #define DESTRUCTIVE > Build\Mode.h for /F "delims= " %%n in ('echo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10') do gcc -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs -std=c99 -Wl,-e_start -s -mwindows -m32 -municode -Os -w -march=i486 Build\Data.c -luser32 -lkernel32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -lcomctl32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lpsapi -o Build\Bin\MEMZPayloads-%%n.exe -DPL2=%%n gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-municode' make: *** [destructive-exe] Error 1

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

what is that? how do i do it?

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

i just changed something

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

so can i just redownload the zip?

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

can you run i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -v?

FlappyDude2003 commented 5 years ago

I get this: C:\WINDOWS\system32>i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -v 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

so you need reinstall mingw-w64 with i686 arch win32 thread

Dobby233Liu commented 5 years ago

stale close